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Q: How many volcanoes are left today?
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Related questions

Are there any live volcanoes left?

Yes, many.

Is there any volcanoes at the jungle?

There are volcanoes in the jungle. It just depends on what part of the jungle you are in. Many of those volcanoes are still erupting today. So, the answer is yes.

Where are most volcanoes today?

Volcanoes are usually in Hawaii.

How many active volcaoes are there?

600 volcanoes are active today!!! that's not dat much!

How many volcanos are there and what are there names?

There are millions of volcanoes around the world, far too many to list here. In truth, scientists don't really know how many volcanoes exist today as many are located in the oceans.

What did extinction of dinosaurs lead to?

volcanoes, floods, earthquakes and tornadoes

How many Malayan tapirs are left?

About 3,000 are left in the world today.

How many horses are left today?

15 is the idiucious amount of horses that are left today according to the horse theory

How many arctic wolves are left today on earth?

I think today there are only 200 Arctic wolves left.

Are there any volcanoes around today?

yes there are

How Many Orca's Left Today?

There are at least 50,000 orcas in the oceans today.

How many elephants are left?

Today only 3000 - 4000 are left in Thailand