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Exact numbers are hard to say, but it is found there in 21 counties, and listed as threatened.

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Q: How many timber rattlesnakes are left in the wild in Illinois?
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How many preys do timber rattlesnakes have?

Anything it can fit in its mouth.

Population of timber rattlesnakes in state of Connecticut how many timber rattlesnakes does Connecticut have and it's population?

The timber rattlesnake, Crotalus horridus, is threatened or endangered over much of its range. In Connecticut, the species is limited to a few wild areas, and the current population is unknown, but it is rare, but present there.

How many species of rattlesnakes are there?

There are 36 species.Here are some of them massassauga red diamondback timber pacific36

How many types of rattlesnakes are endangered?

Many are in trouble. Both eastern and western diamondbacks, the timber rattler in some areas, and the massasauga.

Are rattlesnakes many celled?

Yes, rattlesnakes are multi-cellular.

Does Connecticut have venomous snakes?

Yes Massachusetts has Timber Rattlesnakes and Copper Heads but only one person on record has been killed by a snake in MA and that was about 200 years ago. They are usually found in mountain areas.

Do snakes lay eggs in mulch?

Yes, they can, and sometimes do, as many people have discovered to their surprise. A lady in South Carolina was horrified to find young timber rattlesnakes emerging from a small hole in her rose garden!

How many timber wolf species are there?

There are 3 breeds of timber wolves there is the Alaskan Timber Wolf and the Canadian Timber Wolf and the Timber Wolf its self. if you want to know more about wolf just email me ok its

Are the timber rattlesnake and eastern diamondback rattlesnake found in the same areas?

The eastern diamondback is larger than the timber rattlesnake, and they would probably ignore each other in the wild.

How many states have rattlesnakes?

Just off memory, all but Maine, and Alaska. I think all the others have at least a Timber rattler or Eastern Massasauga. Rattlesnakes were extirpated from Rhode Island in the 1970's.

How many eyes do rattlesnakes have?

Rattlesnakes have 2 eyes, one on either side of the head.

How many rattlesnakes are born at one time?

There is no certain amount of how many rattlesnakes are born at one time, but the average amount of rattlesnakes born at one time is usually less than 15, and around 10 or 12.