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Scientists have identified and catalogued around 1,500,000 to 2,000,000 species (of animals and plants), most of which are insects (most of which are beetles). However, those are only the species that have been identified and described, many, many, many more exist - some scientists think there are 10 million (10,000,000) species on Earth, and others think there are 100 million (100,000,000) species on Earth! Biodiversity (the number of living organisms on Earth) is an incredibly hard thing to count. There are places on the Earth that have hardly been explored at all where diversity (the numbers of species) is extremely high, places like the tropical rain forest. The really scary thing is that, mostly as a result of the activity of human beings (pollution and destruction of the environment), lots of these species are going extinct before we even get a chance to identify them in the first place

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Q: How many animal species have become extinct in the past year?
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How many plant and animal species have become extinct in the US since the 1500s?

500 species

How many animals are excinct?

It is hard to determine exactly how many animal species are extinct because some species become extinct before scientists even know they existed. As far as science can tell, there are over 900 extinct species.

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If we don't conserve an animal the species number will drastically decrease and resulting in extinction of that particular species. If one species become extinct it could trigger off a chain reaction and many species will be threatened.

How many species become extinct everyday?

About 35 - 150 species of life become extinct everyday. Most due to deforestation (loss of rainforest).

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35,150 animals become extinct every year.

How many species become extinct due to deforestation?

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What is the difference between an extinct and endangered species?

Endangered does not mean extinct.Extinct means all specimens of that species are gone.Endangered means that the species is in danger of extinction.

How many species of animals become extinct?

99 out of every 100

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how many species of plants and animals become extinct every day as their habitat and human influences destroy them

How many species go extinct every year?

Extinction rates vary and can sometimes be rapid, and some times slow. Extinction rates are affected by biotic, competition between species, hunting etc, and abiotic factors, volcano eruptions, weather etc.

What is the difference between endangered and extinct animals?

Endangered Species are ones that have a very small population and that population is at a greater risk of becoming extinct. Many species that become extinct never make to the endangered species list. Extinct Species are ones that are either known (documented) to be extinct or are so few in population that a recovery is considered highly unlikely even under excellent conditions.

A sentence with word extinct?

Dinosaurs are now extinct. There are many species of birds that are extinct.