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they swim

they walk or swim ...

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Q: How do turtles move?
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How do Germany people move?

they move by turtles

How do spotted turtles move?

the spotted turtles walk or swim.

When do the turtles move towards the shore?

generally as soon as they, the turtles are hatched.

How far do turtles move from where they are born?

Not far!

How do turtles move in water?

they crawl into their sheel

Why do turtles have a long neck?

so they can move forward

How many mph do turtles move?

.682 mph

Things that move slow?

Turtles, slugs, snails

Do sea green turtles move a specific way?


Why turtles cannot move fast in land?

leg muscles.

Do sea turtles move?

they crawl on land and swim in the ocean

Why do leatherback sea turtles move?

Most animals move toward food and away from discomfort. Why do you move? It's probably the same answer.