How does South Africa save money in Africa?
Stokvels social clubs is how people save money in Africa.
Stokvels have been around in South Africa and Africa for many
They are a good way for people to help motivate each other to
save, and many stokvel or savings clubs are like social clubs where
members also help each other in ways other than with money. Regular
stokvel meetings have become a social highlight in many
To read about avoiding debt traps, click on the following link:
Vuk'uzenzele: Avoiding the debt trap
A basic stokvel is simple to undertake.
There are usually twelve or more members, and each member
contributes a certain amount each month. This can be anything from
R50 to R1000, depending on everyone's income.
Each month, it is a different member's turn to receive the
money. So, if you belong to a stokvel with twelve members who each
contribute R500 a month, then once a year you will receive a R6000
You are motivated to save because the other members will know if
you haven't paid your contribution, and also because the regular
meetings are a reminder of what you will gain when it is your