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This question is kinda like asking "How do we talk?" They do not exactly talk... And it Depends on what type of seal you are talking about. And what age, and what gender too. Arctic seals can make complex calls. There's up to 100 different sounds ranging from growls, whistles, chugs, groans and moans to upsweeping whistles and chirps. In the far north, the males use their long-range calls to attract distant females. Usually the male seals do most of the calling, to defend their territory or to attract females during the breeding season. Bearded seals and Weddell seals in the Antarctic produce a long descending whistle that goes on for 10 to 70 seconds. And they are doing it underwater, with their mouth and nostrils closed, so there's no air coming out, and they're literally shouting. On the other hand, harbor seals usually use quiet calls. But... Yea... Different seals have different calls for different reasons.

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They bark at each other.

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one of the house in olivine between the lighthouse and pokemart will have a family- talk to the little girl everyday to get 3 different seals (they are all random, so manymany vists are necessary to get all seals..also, in the pokecenter a Beauty is by ur PC. battle her to get petal seals. :)-YeongJingo to the militank farm near olivine city, go inside and feed oran berries to the militank between the two girls. after like 5 oran berries, the militank will feel better. Talk to one girl and she'll give you a seal case, talk to the other and she'll give you seals. There's a girl in olivine city where she'll give you some seal each day.

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seals are things you get from a little boy in one of the houses near the solaceon ruins the boy normally says I use seals to learn the alphabet. To get seals from him go to the solaceon ruins and cach an unown go back to the house put your unown as the first Pokemon in your party and then talk to the boy he will say oh look that unown looks just like my seals here I will give you some. then you put the seals in the seal case atomaticly. If you don't have the seal case before all that talk to the little boy and he will give you one. If he is not in the house its because he is in the ruins. you can also go to sunshore city and in the house closets towrds the water u can buy them from the man in there

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Types of seals?

Harbor seals, Elephant seals, Ross seals, Weddell seals, Antarctica Fur seals, Leopard seals and Navy seals.