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Many ways actually. You could not pollute the Earth, if you find an endangered species put it back where you found it. You could donate to people who help out endangered species or if you find an injured one bring it to a nature center.

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Q: How can people that are ten years old help with endangered species?
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One of the people who help endangered species are! They have all sorts of stuff to help endangered species like red pandas!

How do people contribute to endangering animals?

People contribute to endangering animals through activities such as habitat destruction, illegal hunting, pollution, climate change, and introduction of invasive species. These actions disrupt the natural balance in ecosystems and threaten the survival of many species. By being more mindful of our impact on the environment and advocating for conservation efforts, we can help protect endangered animals.

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Make sure they don't become endangered. They are not at present an endangered species.

How can people help save all endangered species in the world?

we can any one can

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Why is the Gorilla an endangered species?

Gorillas are an endangered species primarily due to habitat loss, poaching, and disease. Deforestation, human encroachment, and mining activities have greatly reduced their natural habitats. Poaching for bushmeat and the illegal wildlife trade also pose significant threats to gorilla populations. Additionally, diseases such as Ebola have had devastating impacts on gorilla populations in some regions.

What can you tell me about endangered species?

Sadly there are many endangered species today. These endangered spesies are expected to become extict if people do not try to help them. There are many animal shelters in many diffrent places that try especially to save as many animals as they can. Endangered species are determened when the number of the kind of animal is low.

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Help me out with this question!

What can people do to help the Canadian lynx since it is an endangered animal?

There is not a lot you can do. You can pray for it or donate money to zoos or shelters. The Canada lynx is not an endangered species. It is listed as a species of least concern by the IUCN.

What is meant by endangered species?

"Endangered Species" refers to having ≤ 5,000 animals left in a species. Endangered species cannot be hunted or fished, and normally are sent to a containment facility to help the species mate, therefore growing in number.

Why should you help endangered species?

to save the world