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Q: Happy face spiders lifespan
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Are happy face spiders happy?

not all of them are.

What eat happy face spiders?

happy faced Spiders eat fruit fly

How many legs do happy face spiders have?

Theridion grallator, known as the Hawaiian happy-face spider, as with all spiders, have eight legs.

How many young do happy face spiders have?


How do happy face spiders hunt?

a happy face spiders eat fruit flies and small insects

Is the happy face spider an invertebrate mammal reptile?

All spiders are invertebrates.

What spiders are light yellow and are very small?

i THINK its the hawian happy face spider

How many legs does a happy face spider have?

Unless injured, all spiders have 8 legs.

When your sleeping with make up on do spiders come on your face?

No, spiders do not get on your face. :) Believe me.

Is a happy face spider venomous?

T. grallator belongs to the comb-footed spiders (Theridiidae), a family which also includes the famous Black Widow. Happy-Faced Spiders are highly derived members of this group but do not share the venom toxicity of their more feared relatives.

Facts about happy face spiders?

Happy face spiders, scientifically known as Theridion grallator, are small spiders found in Hawaii. They are known for their distinctive yellow markings on their abdomens that resemble a smiley face. Happy face spiders are not dangerous to humans and play a role in controlling insect populations in their ecosystem.

What is the hawaiian happy face spider life like?

These tiny spiders were discovered in 1973 in the rain forests of Hawaii. Their bodies are only 1/4 inch long making them very hard to find. They are called Happyface Spiders because of the pattern on their abdomen that looks like a smiling face. Each spider has a one-of-a-kind pattern, and the patterns differ from island to island. The spiders crawl around on tree trunks and leaves. Happyface Spiders are non-poisonous to humans and they catch insects for food. The mother Happyface Spiders guard their eggs and care for the babies until the spiderlings are old enough to take care of themselves.The happy faced spider eats fruit and little animals.It lays lots of eggs.