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Q: Greek name for fire lizards
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Where did the pterosausos get its name?

Pterosaurs. It means "winged lizards" in Greek, which is just what they were.

What greek god was god of fire?

The greek god of fire was Hephaestus (the roman name of Hephaestus was "Vulcan"

Was pyrex the Greek king of fire?

No, pyrex is a brand name of glassware. Pyre means hearth or fire in Greek.

Who is the Roman god of fire?

Vulcan is the Roman name. Hephaestus is the Greek name.

What is the name of the greek blacksmith god?

Hephaestus ps:he is also the god of fire

What is the Greek word for fire?

Fire in Greek is φωτιά [fotia]

How do you spell the god of fire's name?

The Roman version is Vulcan. The Greek version is Hephaestus.

Who gave the name volcano?

volcano comes from the greek God of fire Vulcan ! :) xx

What is name of Greek god of the lava?

Hephaestus - god of forge, fire, volcano's, etc.

Who is the god of the forge and the fire?

Hephaestus, Greek god of fire and the forge. Vulcan, the roman name for Hephaestus, see above. Pele, Hawaiian goddess of fire and wisdom. Hestia, Greek goddess of fire, the hearth, the heart of spirituality and emotional stability in the home. Vesta, Roman name for Hestia, see above. Brigid, (also known as: Brigit, and Brighid) Celtic goddess of fire, the forge, poetry. Ho-Masubi or Kagu-Tsuchi, the Japanese god of fire. Agni, Hindu god of fire.

How did Orion get his name?

Orion in Greek mythology was a great hunter. The name "Orion" is derived from the Greek word "Ὠαρίων," meaning "son of fire" or "light of the morning." This name possibly alludes to his hunting skills and strength.

What does the name Orion mean?

The name Orion is of Greek origin and means "son of fire" or "light in the sky." In Greek mythology, Orion was a mighty hunter and a constellation in the night sky is named after him.