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=· Find out what animals living near you are listed on the endangered species list. Spend some time learning about the animals and what their preferred habitat is.==· Contribute to nature reserves and other wilderness areas. Habitat preservation is one of the best ways to help protect endangered animals. You can donate money or volunteer your time helping the nature reserve preserve habitat.==· Buy environmentally friendly goods. Choose non-toxic cleaners and lawn care items that won't pollute streams, rivers or oceans. Avoid any products that have been made from threatened or endangered animals. Buy foods and goods that are made from materials that do not harm endangered animals or their habitat. For example, look for organic chocolate, coffee or cotton clothing that is grown without cutting down rain forests or destroying habitat.==· Create or restore habitat for endangered animals. You can volunteer to help with projects worldwide designed to reestablish habitat. In your own backyard, plant a butterfly garden, use native plants and trees and let "wild" areas grow to provide habitat and food.==· Join a local, national or global conservation organization. Some organizations focus on one particular endangered animal while others focus on broad efforts for all endangered species. You can "adopt" an animal through these organizations, which makes a great gift idea as well.=

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Q: Endangered species and ways to protect them from extinctions?
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What are some ways that humans try to help endangered species use some detail here there are a lot of ways listed on this site?

it is the goal of conservationists to create and expand upon ways to preserve endangered species and maintain biodiversity.

What are two ways species can be introduced to an ecosystem?

Two ways new species can be introduced to an ecosystem is by being endangered and having an injury. If an animal is endangered or has an injury it is allowed to be taken to a wild animal place that they hold if the animal is injured abandoned and endangered or has an disease or illness

How can people that are ten years old help with endangered species?

Many ways actually. You could not pollute the Earth, if you find an endangered species put it back where you found it. You could donate to people who help out endangered species or if you find an injured one bring it to a nature center.

What are two reasons for a species to become threatened or endangered?

There are actually many ways that a species can get endangered or threatened. 1- loss of habitat 2- limited food supply 3- hunted down etc.

What is being done to save the Dhole?

The World Wildlife Foundation focuses on protecting vital habitat which in turn will support prey species for predators such as Dhole. It works with local communities and governments to establish and manage protected areas and wildlife sanctuaries, work to protect priority species such as elephants, rhinos, tigers and leopards has a positive knock-on effect on other endangered species such as Dhole.

Why is the praying mantis an endangered species?

They are not native to North America, but there is abundant habitat for them here, and the ones that found their ways to the U.S. on ships during colonization became established and started breeding here.

How do scientists hope to develop plans that will ensure the survival of endangered species?

most will die, some may be saved. there will also be more endangered species in 2060! SAVE THE PANDAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Are dolphins endanger and why?

Dolphins are a endanger because 2 ways fishermen like to kill them they would get the gun and shoot them before the dolphin gets the fish or when fishing they caught a dolphin let them free leave them there or kill them.

What should you do in the zoo?

You should watch the animals and perhaps take a tour. Additional Info: Also learning as much as possible about the animals, especially the endangered species, and their habitats. Learn any ways that you can help protect your local animals and their environments. Ask questions about different species, find out where they come from, so you can learn to practice awareness shopping.

How are people trying to save chimpanzees?

by trying to strengthen protected areas in Nigeriaconserving the remaining populationlooking for ways to stop bushmeat trades on endangered species

Who makes an endangered animal endangered?

To make an animal endangered a lot of people have to contribute. Most of the time people cut down forests for farmland which destroys their habitat and the animals will be forced to find a new place to live. Animals can also be killed by introduced animals or poached by humans. It is bad to have endangered animals and everyone should try to stop killing them. This depends on whether or not you are asking: a) what are the environmental mechanisms that lead a species to being considered at risk of extinction or endangered? The above portion gives a brief idea of that; b) what makes an animal endangered as determined by scientists? This usually involves various ways of measuring population and determining viable survival. c) what makes an animal endangered as determined by the government and legislation that is supposed to be protective? For instance, Canada's Species At Risk Act or SARA puts species into 4 categories requiring different levels of action in order to protect their survival: Extirpated; Endangered; Threatened; and Special Concern. In this case, Endangered has a specific legal meaning. Also, a species may be considered endangered by biologists but that does not always mean the government in question will recognize and protect that species as endangered because of other concerns, which are often political and economic. Current efforts in the United States to delist the Wolf and Steller's Sea Lion are good examples. The organization that CLASSIFIES animals as endangered is the IUCN.

What are 4 ways humans cause extinctions?

Deforestation, Increased Human Population, Pollution, and Global Warming.