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The male otter sometimes bites the female otter on the side of the face or near the muzzle, resulting in scars on the female's face. Also, the male can hold the female's face under water

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How do sea otters mate?

they find another otter and mate

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by their buttocks

What species is the sea otter?

I think mammals... but I am not 100% sure...

Is a sea otter a mammalfishor a invertebrate.?

The sea otter is a mammal and is a vertebrate.

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What does a sea otter do?

a sea otter swims around and eats fish and coral

What is the description of a sea otter?

The descripton of the Sea Otter is that they suck balls bye.. :)

Is a sea Otter a invertebrate?

No, the sea otter is a mammal and all mammals are vertebrates.

Does the sea otter have any symbiotic realationships?

yes sea otter's do have realationships

What is sea otter's favorite food?

the sea otter's favorite food are crustaceans

Are you supposed to capitalize sea otter in an essay?

No, unless it is the start of a sentence, then you would capitilize the word "sea". Also, if there was a sea otter named "Sea Otter" then you would capitilize the name.

What is the weight of a sea otter?

the sea otter can weight up to 30 to 35 pounds