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This is a controversial question. Do any of us really exist? We can never know, but our existences in this reality, though it may not be the purest reality, is certainly evident since we are able to communicate.

Now, for the megalodon. It is a topic of scientific debate. No one can know for sure if the megalodon existed or exists, because there is unclear and inconstent evidence for it. It may have existed, and could still exist in deep pockets of the ocean known as trenches where humans are unable to observe marine life.

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13y ago

It did exist & there is evidence suspecting it still does. :)

I'm betting that if they do still exist, and if they had brains, they would wonder if we were out there.

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Q: Does the megalodon shark exists
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Was the megalodon the first shark? wasn't the first shark.

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As the Megalodon is an extinct species of shark that existed during the Cenozoic Era, I would say that the Megalodon is very much rarer than our present day Whale Shark.

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Shark Week - 1987 Megalodon The Monster Shark Lives was released on: USA: August 2013

What really is the megalodon?

Megalodon Shark is an ancient shark that lived back around the time of the dinosaurs. It was much bigger than any shark we see nowadays.

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Does megalodon still exist?

No, the megalodon no longer exists. This giant shark became extinct approximately 1.5 million years ago. There are some who believe that this prehistoric creature still exists, but there is absolutely no scientific basis for this belief. Those who claim the megalodon still roams the seas can be categorized among those who also believe in Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, and the Yeti.