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it depends on you if you are really really in love

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Q: Do your eyes turn big when you are in love?
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Some bird have big eyes because there parent have big eyes so they are going to have big eyes to

Can furbies kiss?

yes they can fall in love. there eyes will turn into to hearts and they will say "ooo la la me like"

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well first of all if u r talking about after you fall to sleep its because after u close your eyes for about 5mins your eyes will begin to get bigger and after thay get really big then you open your eyes then turn on the light and boom the light shines in your eyes when there really big and that what makes them hurt ho

How do you know know when your girlfriend wants to kiss?

she will stare at you with a small smirk and her eyes will be all big. you will see the love in her eyes :)

When was The Love in Your Eyes created?

The Love in Your Eyes was created in 1988.

Are big eyes pretty for girls?

Big eyes are gorgeous. I have massive eyes and everyone tells me they are beautiful. Yes, big eyes are VERY pretty

What are some sonnet lines about love that ends with eyes?

"Love poured from our eyes with a silent sigh." "In your eyes, my love's sweet grace does reside." "Our love's tale is told in the language of eyes."

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do pengin have big eyes

Which animal has big eyes?

some fish have big eyes

Why does Katy Perry have big eyes?

She was born with big eyes.

Do matidla have big eyes?

did you know matidla eyes are big ;)

How big are your eyes?

my eyes or blue eyes?