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No. Sea snakes are carnivores and eat marine fish.

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Q: Do sea snakes eat sea algae?
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Sea salp eat algae... and other plants!

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Herbivorous sea crabs eat algae and seaweed.

What does a green sea tutle eat?

They eat algae and seaweed

Does algae eat sea plants?

Yes they does!

What can algae eat?

algae can be eaten by sea otters Chinese people also

What food does sea urchin eat?

Sea urchins eat endlessly as long as there is food they are eating. They eat the algae growing in slat water tanks and the ocean.

What animals eat sea serpents?

There really are no actual sea serpents, but there are sea snakes. Some animals that eat sea snakes include eels, sharks, and many large fish.

What do green turtle's eat?

They eat jelly fish, sponges and algae and much more.

What marine animals who eat algae?

Some marine animals that eat algae include sea urchins, parrotfish, and certain species of snails like the limpet. These animals help control algal growth in marine ecosystems and play a role in maintaining balance in the food chain.

Are sea urchin consumers?

well sea urchins eat sea weed and they also eat algae so yea

What are the food that sea turtle eat?

Green algae.