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They don't hunt because they don't have to. The females do the hunting. And I'm sure they don't hunt because of their manes.

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Q: Do male lions not hunt because the smell of their manes?
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Why does a female lion not have a mane?

Female lions do not have manes because manes are developed in male lions due to high levels of testosterone. The mane serves as a visual display of strength and dominance, helping male lions attract mates and intimidate rivals. Female lions do not need manes for these purposes.

Why do lions hunt animals?

lions hunt because they need to find prey so they can eat

Why did India over hunt lions?

because they did

Why are lions nocturnal?

Because they hunt at night.

Where do lions hunt for food?

Lions hunt in their prides, or groups. They stalk their prey while low to the ground. They like to hunt at night because the animals have a harder time seeing them, but lions actually see better at night. Lions hunt usually in their territory, where zebras and wildbeasts stay. The females hunt, while the males protect their territory. When lions hunt, the stay in the plains, practicly invisible, because of their camoflouged fur.

What do lions do when they are not looking for food?

lions sleep because they hunt for food at night.

Why do lions often hunt at night?

they like to hunt at night because the temperature is cool and they have the advantage that their prey cannot see where the lions are


because all of the lions prey are there and there are places to roam around to hunt

Do man hunt lions?

Yes, because they're dangerous. People always hunt wild and aggressive animals. :)

Why don't lions always hunt?

Lions hunt only when they are hungry and feel they are in danger.

Who hunt a cheetah?

Lions, leopards and hyenas will hunt and kill cheetah cubs.

Why is the lion adapted to hunt antelope?

lions are adapted to hunt antelope because of their razor sharp teeth and there strong legs