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No, but ferrets sometimes eat jackrabbits.

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Q: Do jackrabbits eat black footed ferrets?
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If black footed ferrets eat meat and grapes and stuff like that what are they omnivores?

Black footed ferrets are carnivores - meat eaters. They do not eat grapes and stuff like that

Do black footed ferrets get along with guinea pigs?

No, they would eat them

What do baby Black-footed ferret eat?

Baby black footed ferrets grow up on a diet of prairie dogs

What do black footed farrets like to eat?

black footed ferrets main food source in the prairie dogs but they have been known to also eat squirrels, mice and other small rodents. Some websites list birds as one of the black footed ferrets food source, but there is no mention of type of bird

What kind of animals does a ferret eat?

Black footed ferrets eat prairie dogs. Domestic ferrets might eat rodents, such as rabbits, mice, rats, etc.

How many black footed ferrets do great horned owls eat?

It would be a very very low number, a percentage, much less than 1%. With only 750 black footed ferrets in the wild as of 2008, the chances would be über slim.

Do black footed ferrets get along with ground squirels?

The ferret will eat the squirrel, if both are in a closed area from which the squirrel couldn't escape,

Is a black footed ferret a carnivore?

Black-footed ferrets face threats in the wild from predators and disease, natural enemies includes coyotes, great-horned owls, golden eagles, prairie falcons, badgers, bobcats and foxes all prey on ferrets. The black footed ferret has many natural enemies, some being the lynx, bobcat, great horned owl, wolf, wolverine, and many more. This is because most of these animals live in the grassland/Nordegg region where the black footed ferret is usually spotted!

How does black footed ferret catch it's prey?

Black-footed ferrets are carnivores (meat-eaters) and their main food source is the prairie dog. Prairie dogs are rodents and live in aggregations called towns or colonies. A prairie dog is as large as or larger than a black-footed ferret. The ferret attacks the prairie dog while it is sleeping below ground at night with quick bite to the neck to suffocate it. Black-footed ferrets have sharp teeth that can easily shear through the prairie dog bones and eats all parts of the prairie dog.Black footed ferrets also eat birds and small rodents such as mice, eggs and small reptiles.

What does the black footed rock wallaby eat?

Black-footed rock wallabies eat grasses, herbs, leaves and fruits.

Do coyotes eat ferrets?

coyotes are enemies of the ferrets so they might try to kill or eat the ferret Domestic ferrets or Black Footed ferrets, see related questions below

Do the black footed ferrets have more than one niche?

It is possible that they have more than one niche; however, their main niche is that they eat prairie dogs and hardly anything else.