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Yes, ferrets should not be left alone for long periods of time and need to have human interaction and plenty of playtime out of their cage. They prefer to be with their owner and do well with other ferrets as cage mates

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15y ago
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14y ago

Depends on the ferret - Unaltered ferrets are more solitary, while most ferrets that are altered like living in groups

Advice from another contributor:

Ferrets are very social animals and it is recommended that you at least keep two together, provided you can afford both of them. I have five, and they couldn't be happier. However, some older ferrets that have lived their entire lives alone may not like the company of others.

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14y ago

In the wild European polecat ferrets and Black footed ferrets are solitary animals. Most domestic ferrets are group animals, with the exception that some ferrets don't like other ferrets. Also, a domestic ferret in season might have to be kept separate from other ferrets.

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15y ago

Black footed ferrets are solitary animals and live alone

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14y ago

Maybe they can, but they are happier in pairs. Check with the shop you buy them from. A friend had a pair for years, and they were friendly and fun.

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13y ago

Most domestic ferret can live in groups called a "business". Ferrets in the wild are solitary animals.

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Q: Do Black-footed Ferrets live alone or in groups?
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Do Ferret live in groups?

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