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well you see that in movies, but its not true. giant squids live too deep down in the ocean for them to catch you with their tentacle's.

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Q: Can giant squid catch you with their tentacles?
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How many arms does a giant squid have?

A giant squid has eight arms, each lined with powerful suction cups for grabbing prey. In addition to its arms, a giant squid also has two longer tentacles that it uses to capture food.

What are the two long tentacles for on a giant squid?

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How does the giant squid attack other animals?

It grabs the prey with its tentacles and swallows it whole.

How big is the giant squid compared to a whale?

Compared to a whale, a giant squid can get up to about 50 ft. long. This certainly rivals the size of a whale but when comparing the enormous size of a giant squid to a whale, consideration has to be given to the incredible length of the squid's tentacles.

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A Kraken is a giant squid so eight arms and two tentacles.

What is the deadliest part of a squid?

The squid as a predator has a sharp, beak-like bill, and there are serrated edges on the suction rings of the tentacles. Only a giant squid is dangerous to humans.

Is a squid is a carnivore?

Yes, squids are carnivorous. They primarily feed on smaller fish, crustaceans, and other squid. They use their tentacles to catch and immobilize their prey before consuming them.

What species of squid has been known to violently attack humans?

Giant squid, specifically the Architeuthis dux species, has been rumored to be capable of attacking humans due to its large size and powerful tentacles. However, there is no scientifically documented evidence of giant squid attacking humans.

How may tentacles do squids have?

Squid have eight arms and two longer tentacles.