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A bald eagle

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Q: Are people trying to put an end to poaching?
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What should governments do next to stop Bengal tigers becoming extinct?

They should stop habitat loss because of human settlement. They must put strict bans on poaching and illegal hunting. People involved in hunting/poaching should be punished harshly. Patrol forest officers must be put in place to catch such criminals before they do any damage to the remaining tiger population.

What is Kenya doing to reduce the poaching of elephants?

It has put strict anti poaching laws. They have rangers who roam around the national parks to ensure that poachers dont hunt elephants.

Why do people put FIN at the end of videos?

"FIN" means "The end" in Spanish.

What is with all the advertisements on the youtube channels like paste this on your channel if you like to laugh?

I know what you mean. There is so many of those on youtube channels now a days. I think they put those ads on their channel description to get other people to do it too. Like they want people to agree with them when they say things like "put this on your channel if you like to laugh" or "put this on your channel if you like to hug people" or "put this on your channel if you support furies" etc. They are trying to get other people to agree with them so they end up putting it on their page. It's kind of like what you said they are trying to advertise.

What would have happen if the king let King Henry VIII put an end to his marriage?

Well, as surprising as this might be, King Henry the eight was the King when he was trying to put an end to his marriage. Confusing, eh?

Who are the people involved in teen pregnancy?

people that dont put something on the end of it.

Can you put a signature on the tmobile gravity?

there is no way right now that you can put a signature at the end. i have a gravity to, i have been trying to find it but i can't. just put ur signature on the txt templates.

How might animals be affected by land put away by government?

no poaching or hunting on those lands and they will be protected

How do you put bears pusuing people into a question?

No idea, I'm trying to find that out too

How do you put and end to religion?

You can't unless you put an end to mankind or man himself changes significantly. The fact you want to end it could be dangerous, if religious people are not wrong.

What can be a suitable slogan on preventing poaching in coniferous forests?

Put a Poacher out of business/call 911 Put Poachers in their Place/ Jail Poaching hurts us all/Not just the animal Make Poachers Prey/Please call 911 Open season on Poachers/All year round

Can you put the word reelect in a sentence?

Yes. "Many people are trying to reelect President Obama"