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Its not hard to know that a unicorn is a mythical creature so a gazelle could not breed with one, so in awnser to your question: YES, but there never was a

gazelle - unicorn.

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While small and common, the Dorcas gazelle(Gazellla dorcas) ISconsidered to be vulnerable by the IUCN. See more information at the Related Link, listed below:

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Q: Are gazelle going extinct
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A sentence with extinct?

"This lovely gazelle was officially declared extinct in the wild in 1968."

Why did red gazelle become extinct?

because of pouches hunting them

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they are going extinct because the poaching and habitat loss

What would happen to a Ostrich if a Gazelle went extinct?

in the short term, absolutely nothing. however, no ostriches means less wild dogs and cats, which means more gazelle.

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Gazelle is a 540 shuvit with a 360 body varial(going the same way where the board spins). Rodney mullen invented it.

How red gazelle became extinct?

the people who hunted them and their predators killed to many of them and there weren't enough to reproduce i guess.-brett d.

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they are going extinct but not yet

How many years red gazelle become extinct?

Last sighting was by E. Loder in 1894 though this statement can be highly debated upon.

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Elks are going extinct from over hunting and from lack of food. (info from Google)

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