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Chimps only live in Africa , and yes they are endangered.

Chimpanzees are endangered because of habitat loss and fragmentation( cutting off habitats from each other), and also the bushmeat trade.

The bushmeat trade is the hunting of wild animals for meat. It has become increasingly commercialised, it has its roots all over the world. This is because access to the jungle has become easier because logging and mining companies are creating roads that the hunters use.

The infants are captured after their mothers are shot to be sold to labs, circuses, or zoos, or as pets. Sometimes the infant is simply an added bonus to the mothers meat. Sometimes they are specifically targeted, and their mothers killed to take them, along with any of their family who try to save them.

The biggest way to help chimps is to not eat bushmeat, or recycle cell phones to help reduce mining, buy paper with the FSC label, do not buy pet chimps, do not watch movies with chimps in them, and spread the word about the plight of the chimps.

Also, the sanctuaries that care for the orphaned babies are always starved of funding and can always use a donation. A good organization to donate to is the Jane Goodall Institute.

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11y ago
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10y ago

yes they are

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no they are not

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