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Q: Why there is a voltage drop during load shedding?
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What would cause high voltage drop readings?

High resistance on the feeder to the load will cause voltage drop at the load end of the circuit. If this is happening, do the calculations for voltage drop, using the amperage of the load, voltage of the load, the size of the wire feeding the load and the distance from the distribution panel to the load.

Why peak voltage of the load is smaller than the voltage from the transformer output?

The voltage appearing across a load is always smaller than the no-load voltage of any voltage source -e.g. batteries, generators, or transformers. In simple terms this is because all these voltage sources have internal resistance or impedance which results in an internal voltage drop when the source delivers a load current. The resulting voltage, therefore, is always the difference between the no-load voltage and the internal voltage drop. A measure of the difference between a source's no-load and full-load voltage is termed its 'voltage regulation'.

What amount of voltage that is used by each load depends on the?


Why does an alternators voltage drop sharply when it is loaded down with a lagging load?

An alternator's terminal voltage shouldn't drop 'sharply' when subjected to a lagging power-factor load. After all, most practical loads are inductive and it wouldn't do for an alternator's terminal voltage to drop 'sharply' for what is a normal load. Nevertheless, in common with most voltage sources, there will be a moderate drop in its terminal voltage due to the internal voltage drop caused by the load current passing through the impedance of the armature windings. Perhaps surprisingly, however, there may be an increase in terminal voltage when supplying a leading power factor, the reason for which can be demonstrated using simple phasor analysis of the alternator's induced e.m.f. and internal voltage drop -this cannot be shown here, but there are lots of websites which demonstrate this.

What is the difference between load shedding and power cuts?

power cut , power disconnecting to an area local bases at night time to meet demad in future load shedding reducing voltage or disconnect power for area bases on day time

Related questions

What would cause high voltage drop readings?

High resistance on the feeder to the load will cause voltage drop at the load end of the circuit. If this is happening, do the calculations for voltage drop, using the amperage of the load, voltage of the load, the size of the wire feeding the load and the distance from the distribution panel to the load.

Why has load shedding occurred?

Load shedding occurs as an effort by a government to conserve energy. Load shedding allows people in one part of a city to have electricity during some parts of the day and not during other parts of the day.

Why load-shedding is done during summer in karnataka?

Load shedding in Maharashtra is an effort to ration out electricity so that consumers have similar access. Load shedding involves cutting off the electricity in certain parts of the area for a specific number of hours each day.

Why peak voltage of the load is smaller than the voltage from the transformer output?

The voltage appearing across a load is always smaller than the no-load voltage of any voltage source -e.g. batteries, generators, or transformers. In simple terms this is because all these voltage sources have internal resistance or impedance which results in an internal voltage drop when the source delivers a load current. The resulting voltage, therefore, is always the difference between the no-load voltage and the internal voltage drop. A measure of the difference between a source's no-load and full-load voltage is termed its 'voltage regulation'.

Why is load shedding happening?

load shed happens due to generator over load. it happens duering 1 or more engine trips as a result load shedding activated for the reason that the remaining generator/engines will suffer under frequency and over voltage.

Why does the terminal voltage decreases as the load current increases?

A: That will happen anytime the voltage source is not able to provide the power needed for the load. If the load exceed the power available from the source the voltage will be reduced as IR drop from the source

Why the alternator voltage drop suddenly and after few second later again pick up automatically during no load?


Why is rise in voltage less during stopping of load than drop in voltage during starting?

The voltage drop during starting a load specially motor load is due to absence of back emf and due to high starting current drawn. In case of resistor/heaters, they are also wound like coil so they will also have some inductance and hence during starting, due to absence of back emf, a high current is drawn and hence the voltage drop. While stopping the load current drawn is smaller than the starting current. In the cases of motors and transformers their starting current is about 6 - 8 times the full load current and hence the above phenomenon asked in the question is observed.

What are the differences between emf and voltage drop?

emf and voltageAnswerElectromotive force is the potential difference created by a source, such as a battery or generator, when it is not connected to a load -in other words, on 'open circuit'.Voltage drop is the potential difference across a load, such as a resistor, which causes current to flow through that load.A voltage drop occurs, internally, in batteries and generators, when they are supplying a load. The battery or generator's terminal voltage, when supplying a load, is its e.m.f. less its internal voltage drop.

What are the effects of load shedding?

what are the effects of load shedding

What amount of voltage that is used by each load depends on the?


When was first load shedding started in Pakistan?

During Musharraf's time