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only two connections are possible.. parallel connection is always desired than series. .

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Q: Why lights in classroom is connected in series or in parallel?
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Are the lights in your school connected in series current or parallel current?

Overhead lights are typically connected in parallel. If they were connected in series, then, if one light went out, all of the lights would go out. Think of Christmas lights, they are connected in series. When one of the lights burns out, the whole string of lights goes out.

What will happen to lights connected in parallel when of the lights is busted?

Nothing will happen to the rest of the lights if they are connected in paralell. If they are connected in series when one light is broken all of the lights go out.

What can you infer about whether or not your house lights are connected in series or parallel?

House lights are wired in parallel. If they were in series, when one burned out, all would. Christmas lights are wired in a combination of series and parallel - roughly 50 lights in each series string. that's why if one bulb burns out, a section of the lights goes out.

What type of circuit will produce brighter lights is it series circular direct or parallel?

Parallel connections will draw more current than equivalent lights connected in series, so the parallel configuration will be brighter.

How could you determine whether a string of lights is in series or parallel?

on applying same power the one which glows brighter is the one connected in parallel connection.

What is the difference between series and parallel Christmas lights?

With series Christmas lights, if one burns out, the whole string stops working. With parallel Christmas lights one light burning out only affects that light. This makes it much easier to replace burned out lights in the case of the parallel lights.

Are devices of home connected in series or in parallel?

Home devices are connected in parallel and not in series.

Is it connected in series or parallel?


How would the bulbs shine in a series circiut?

An electric light bulb, incandescant type, is designed to operate at a certain voltage. Let's take 12 volt car headlights for example. Two 12 volt lights are connected in parallel in a car to provide the headlights, the same 2 lights could be connected in series if used on a truck with a 24 volt battery, or 20 of the lights could be connected in series if connected to a 240volt home electric circuit. (In the US think of 10 connected in series on your 110 volt system.) The lights would each produce about the same light output, but the number of lights would cause more light in total. In series there is a problem, when one light failsm they all go out. That's why lights in a house are connected in parallel.

Are Christmas tree lights parallel or series?

They are parallel, or at least you HOPE they are parallel.

Are the lamps in buildings connected in parallel or series?

No. They are connected in parallel with each other.

Are the circuits at homes connected in series or parallel and why?

They're connected in parallel, this is so that everything connected to the circuits will receive the same voltage. Also, if everything was connected in series, if one of the components died, everything would be dead (think of christmas lights)