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A poor power factor is usually caused by coils; by inductors within electric motors. A capacitor is the opposite of a coil, and can improve the power factor by moving the current phase angle forward, more towards the voltage.

Power factor degradation from inductive loads occurs because inductors resist a change in current, by "presenting" a higher resistance to a step (or any) change in current. As a result, current lags voltage, and power factor suffers.

Capacitors are opposite to inductors. They resist a change in voltage, by "presenting" a lower resistance to a change in voltage. As a result, current leads voltage.

Suppose that a capacitor is placed in parallel to an inductor. If the value of capacitance is adjusted so it exactly cancels the inductance at 60Hz, then the combination as a whole behaves purely as a resistor.

If capacitive loads were common, then they would cause problems similar to inductors.

However, adding capacitance in a case where there is also inductance serves to raise voltage, particularly since the conductors (power lines, etc.) leading up to the load are also resistive, inductive, and partially capacitive. By raising the voltage, power factor is improved, and the inductive loads (usually motors) cause fewer losses in power lines.

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13y ago

To reduce load currents, which reduces that amount of copper required to supply a particular load. It has no effect on energy consumption, but industrial and commercial consumers may be penalised by their utility companies if they allow the power factor of their installations to become too low.

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11y ago

By capactor bank & syncronous motor.

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How power factor helps to improve circuit?

Improving power factor does nothing to improve a circuit. It merely affects the amount of current drawn by the load.

Why the power factor improves with the load?

Power factor doesn't necessarily 'improve with the load', but it is determined by the load.

Why does a capacitor improve power factor?

yes power capacitar ust inprove the power factor and sae the kvah reding

What is the technique of improve the power factor?

Simple technique by adding PP capacitor with automatic power factor controller.

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To improve the power factor

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In a circut we use capacitor in series for improving power factor

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To improve the power factor

What is a method to improve the power factor?

Add capacitors from line to ground.

Can we improve generator power factor for increasing active power?

The 0.8 Power Factor provided by generator manufacturers is not the load power factor, but it is the nominal power factor used to calculate the kW output of an engine to supply the power for a particular alternator kVA output. Alternators are therefore designed to supply their rated kVA at 0.8 lagging power factor.

How select the rating of capacitor with respect to KW for improving power factor?

The capacitors must be sized according to the reactive power being used, not the real power being used, to improve power factor.

What is your opinion whether a low power factor can damage 20 watt led lights installed in a hotel?

The load (in this case, your led lighting) determines its own power factor. While you can improve the power factor (move it towards unity) at the terminals, you are not actually changing the power factor of the load.

Is it advisable to correct the power factor to unity?

power factor depends on the load being fed if the load is entirely resistive power factor will be unity ..if the load includes an inductor or capacitpr due to phase displacement between v and i the pf will be lag or lead respectievly