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It flows through aluminum foil better because electricity flows throw aluminum or metal better then plastic or other

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Q: Why does electricity flow through aluminum foil better?
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Can electricity flow through aluminium?

Yes, electricity can flow through aluminum. Aluminum is a good conductor of electricity, although it is not as efficient as copper. Aluminum is commonly used in power lines and electrical wiring because of its conductivity and cost-effectiveness.

What will allow electricity to flow through it?

Materials that can conduct electricity, such as metals like copper and aluminum, have free-moving electrons that allow electricity to flow through them. These materials have low resistance to the flow of electric current, making them suitable for use in electrical circuits.

Which allow electricity to flow through them 5 think insulators?

Copper, silver, gold, aluminum, and steel are materials that allow electricity to flow through them, as they are good conductors due to their high electrical conductivity.

What is the scientific name of a substance that lets electricity flow through it?

A substance that lets electricity flow through it is called a conductor (or sometimes, to be more explicit, it is called an electrical conductor). Substances which do not permit the flow of electricity are called insulators.

What is a material through which electricity can flow easily?

A material that allows electricity to flow easily is called a conductor. Metals such as copper, aluminum, and gold are good conductors of electricity due to the presence of loosely bound electrons that can move freely through the material, facilitating the flow of electrical current.

Does electricity flow through steel?

Yes steel is conductive, any ferris metal is a conductor and electricity can pass through it. however, it will not conduct as well as aluminum or copper.

How well electricity flows through a material?

Depends on the material. The electricity can flow through metal better then it can through wood because wood is a conductor of electricity (example).

What does conductor and an insulator mean?

A conductor is a material that allows the flow of electricity through it easily, typically metals like copper and aluminum. An insulator is a material that does not allow the flow of electricity through it easily, such as rubber or glass.

What is the term for something electricity can flow through?

The term for something that electricity can flow through is a conductor. Conductors are materials that allow the flow of electric current due to the presence of free electrons that can move easily. Examples of conductors include metals like copper and aluminum.

What do you call a material that allows electricity to flow through it easily?

A material that allows electricity to flow through it easily is called a conductor. Conductors have low electrical resistance and permit the flow of electric current due to the presence of free electrons. Examples of conductors include metals like copper and aluminum.

What carries electrical current?

Electrical current is carried by conductors, which are materials that allow the flow of electricity through them. Common conductors include metals such as copper and aluminum. Insulators, on the other hand, do not allow electricity to flow through them.

What is the best conductor for static electricity?

Metals such as copper and aluminum are good conductors of static electricity. They allow the charge to flow through them easily, preventing the build-up of static electricity.