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because they re-act better to electricity

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Q: Why do some electrolytes give better voltages than others?
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How will a 3 phase panel give you 110 volts and 220 volts?

A three phase panel will not give you 110 and 220 volts. A three phase four wire panel will, but not at these voltages. The nearest voltages will be 120 and 208 volts. The 120 volt is the wye voltage of 208 volts. 208/1.73 = 120 volts. A single phase three wire panel will give you 110 and 220 volts.

What is the voltage of a pylon?

there are 3 main types of power pylons,400,000volts(400kv) usually there are 4 wires on each arm,275,000volts(275kv)usually 2wires,and 132,000volts(132kv)usually 1 wire.CommentPylons, or to give them their correct name, 'towers', are used in electricity transmission systems and, to some extent, in distribution systems. Their operating voltages depend on the electricity standards in the country in which they are used. As pointed out in the original answer, in the UK, transmission voltages are 400 kV, 275 kV, and 132 kV; towers are also used, in some cases, to support distribution lines that operate at 66 kV and 33 kV (although these are more-commonly supported on poles).In most cases, each tower supports two separate circuits -one on either side of the tower- with each circuit comprising three 'lines' (L1, L2, and L3)- often with one circuit having its line sequence reversed.As the original answer indicates, at higher voltages, each 'line' consists of 'bundled' conductors (four per line at 400 kV, two per line at 275 kV). The purpose of bundling these conductors is to reduce the electric field stress that would otherwise exist at the surface of single conductors.

Why is lower power dissipation better?

the lower you can get your power dissapation means the less heat the electronic piece will have to give off. the lower it is, the more efficient the system is. the lower you can get your power dissapation means the less heat the electronic piece will have to give off. the lower it is, the more efficient the system is.

How do you convert 3phase connection to 2 phase?

Any two legs of a three phase system can be classed as a single phase supply.Alternative AnswerAs the above answer points out, connecting a load between any two line conductors of a three-phase supply will give you a single-phase load. But you must, of course, take into account the voltage rating of the load you wish to connect.In Europe, three-phase low-voltage distribution is normally by means of a four-wire system, comprising three line conductors and a neutral conductor, operating at 400 V (line-to-line) and 230 V (line-to-neutral).Your single-phase load's voltage rating must, of course, match either the single-phase supply's line-to-line or line-to-neutral voltages. In Europe, most single-phase loads are rated at 230 V so, for a residential three-phase, four-wire system, it is usual to obtain a single-phase supply by connecting the load between any one of the line conductors and the neutral conductor.But, if you have a non-standard, 400-V single-phase load, then connecting that load between any two line conductors will also give you a single-phase supply.

How do you check a varistor with a ohmeter?

you need a very fancy ohm meter if you dont have lotsa $ perhaps an ammeter a voltmeter and a variable current source would give reliable answers maybe a megger since the ohm scale is 6v and the megohm scales use 2500V 1000V 500Vbut this is a lott poorer answer since 1000 ohms is 0 on the megohm gigohm or 100gigohm scale maybe a hipot tester depending on the low voltage and current settings this is very effective with mov's since they are usually concerned with higher voltages

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in a few ways. it depends on the drink though.. i know Gatorade has potassium for stopping cramps..and a salt which gives electrolytes to give you energy. sugars and caffeine are also 'energy' but electrolytes are wayy better energy

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Electrolytes are solutes that dissociate into ions in water, enabling them to conduct electricity. Common electrolytes include salts, acids, and bases.

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First get an account then type a bio and then talk to people. Others will give you a better answer then mine.

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Because it's better to give than to receive. And God blesses those who bless others!

What is the importance of electrolytes in patients who are experiencing chronic vomiting or diarrhea or both?

Electrolytes are life saving in such patients. You have to give lactated ringer solution with added potassium in it. Incidentally in vomiting also, there is loss of bicarbonates.

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'Better' is comparative. It is also subjective. Some sites answer in great depth. Others give quick and short replies. It depends on your requirements.