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The thick rubber soles prevent the electrician getting a shock, as it stops the charge from going through the electrician's body to earth.

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Q: Why do electrician wear a special shoes with thick rubber soles?
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Why do electrician shoes with thick rubber soles?

The thick rubber soles prevent the electrician getting a shock, as it stops the charge from going through the electrician's body to earth.

Why do running shoes have rubber soles?

Runnign shoes have flexible rubber soles to absorb impact.

Why do golf shoes have rubber soles?

golf shoes have rubber soles because it is a game played on the grass which needs to have stops at every step as rubber will increase the interlocking of friction, golf shoes have rubber soles

What are the soles of shoes made of?

Rubber or leather

Why do the nurse wear shoes with special soles?

Nursing shoes are rubber-soled. Most offer more shock-absorbing since we walk / stand a lot.

What parts of the shoe are made of rubber?

your soles of your shoes

Do the rubber soles on shoes wear out?

Yes they do due to how much you walk on them. When your soles start wearing out it's time to get new shoes!!!!!!

Why do basketballplayers wear rubber shoes instead of leather shoes?

Rubber soles prevent the player from slipping while playing basketball.

What happens to the product Nike when it wears out?

With a lot of nike products (espically the rubber soles from their tennis shoes) they recycyle the rubber soles and turn them into usful sports equipment. I know for a fact that with the soles, they grind them into tiny pieces or rubber and then use the ground rubber soles to make tracks for local track and field fields. The soft springy rubber track is actually amazing to run on. Also, if the shoes are not in too bad of shape (i.e. soles are worn but the shoes is in decent shape) Nike will donate the shoes to people in need (homeless, poor, third world country inhabitants, etc)

What materials do you need to make shoes?

leather rubber soles laces leather

Why are the soles on childrens running shoes not as good as the ones on adult running shoes?

It is very common for kids' athletic shoes to have non-marking rubber outsoles. These special rubber compounds protect gym floors, courts and other surfaces from sole marks. They do not always perform as well as the regular soles on most adult athletic shoes, but are preferrable because kids can use them at schools and other facilities requiring them.

Why are soles of shoes made of rubber?

because the rubber gives you a grip as it produces more friction and is also waterproof.