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Digital GND has more noise than Analog GND. So never mix up Digital GND to Analog GND to avoid the coupling from Digital to Analog GND

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Q: Why digital and analog ground must be separated?
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Is anti aliasing filter analog or digital?

It must be an analog filter. The high frequencies must be attenuated before any digital sampling takes place, to ensure that these high frequencies are not sampled as false signals. See the related link.

What is an analog sensor?

An analog sensor is a device that measures an analog quality (such as temperature, wind speed, sound frequency or velocity). Many of us fail to recognize the difference between qualitative and quantitative measurements. Quantitative descriptors are actually just the result of counting something; seventeen marbles, five folding chairs, three apples... Qualitative descriptors are the result of estimating something; eight cups of sliced apples, a five pound bag of marbles, the current room temperature. When we use a scale to measure something, it's called "qualitative"... or analog. Converters are available that allow a computer to achieve a close approximation of an analog measurement, but for the computer to use the value it must first be converted to a digital signal. Inside the computer, that digital signal is all ones and zeroes, but many of them can be put together to represent a very large number. If that doesn't help, perhaps a basic physics class or even a computer "digital logic" class might be beneficial.

Are there negative wire gauges?

Yes, there are ground wire gauges. The approiate size ground wire must be matched to the size service you are installing. For instance a 200 amp serivce must be grounded with a # 4 bare copper ground wire.

Why digital multimeter more accurate than analog multimeter?

An analogue instrument is analogous to the unit being measured. For instance, a thermometer uses a fluid, such as mercury, which reacts to heat, expanding and contracting, and thus providing a direct reading upon a calibrated scale. Similarly, a stadiometer measures a person's standing height by sliding an arm down a scale until it touches the persons head. In both cases, a reading can be taken directly off the scale, thus the scale is analogous to the quantity being measured. Digital instruments, on the other hand, must encode these analogue measurements into digital information. However, analogue information is infinite. That is, between any two fixed points upon a scale there are an infinite number of variables, just as the number of real values between 0 and 1 is infinite. Digital information cannot encompass the full range of infinite values, therefore digital information must employ a degree of precision; values must be rounded. However, humans do this anyway. If we're measuring distance in millimetres then we will round to the nearest millimetre. The amplitude of a sonic waveform at any given moment in time also has infinite range, from -1 to +1. When we digitise analogue audio signals we use approximation by scaling the analogue value to an integer in the range -32,768 to +32,767 (assuming 16-bit precision). This inevitably means some data will be lost. However, one hopes, the loss is so minimal that it will not be missed. If we need to capture the signal more accurately, we simply increase the number of bits to give a wider range of scaled values. So 24-bit would allow a range of -8,388,607 to +8,388,607.

When wiring a kitchen stove must the ground wire be grounded?

Absolutely. You need the range ground to be fully connected back to the panel ground buss bar.

Related questions

Difference between analog audio and digital audio?

In analog ckt there is more distortion but in digital there is no distortion. Analog is a continues value digital is a discrite value(0 or 1). To measure analog is very difficult but in digital it is very easy. compare to analog the digital system is very compart for us. H.L.Kiran

WHAT IS the differences between analog and digital sensors?

Digital sensors produce digital output (0 or 1) which can be easy to communicate directly with a microcontroller. Analog sensors provide analog outputs which one must firstly digitize to sense the level. Analog sensors are generally more accurate.

How could a digital signal from outer space be picked-up?

Radio "signals" are always analog, not digital. To send a digital signal, it must be converted to analog format, and then the received signal has to be re-converted to digital. So the Voyager and Viking space probes, for example, include a digital-to-analog converter attached to the radio transmitter, and the radio receivers here on Earth are routed through an analog-to-digital converter to make sense of them. You yourself may have such an "analog-to-digital" converter; they are called "modems", or "modulator/demodulator".

Is anti aliasing filter analog or digital?

It must be an analog filter. The high frequencies must be attenuated before any digital sampling takes place, to ensure that these high frequencies are not sampled as false signals. See the related link.

7 Why must sound and video input into a PC be converted from analog to digital?

A computer only reads information in digital coding (binary) a truly analog signal would not register in a computer.

Why digital signals are more noise free than analog signals?

Digital signals are "forced" to be either 1 or 0, whereas analog signals are not. This means that a signal of 0.8 will be pushed to 1 in a digital signal and will remain 0.8 in an analog signal, and 0.2 will be 0 digital and 0.2 analog. This means that in order to overwhelm a digital signal the noise must do much more work to be effective. digital signal have only two states analog have infinite states therefore more susceptible to noise

Can you change a digital dash to an analog dash on a 1991 Chevy S10 Blazer?

Yes, but you must do some rewiring. The digital dash uses a harness in the center of the dash, while the analog one uses a harness in one of the corners.

What is quantization error?

Quantization error is the difference between the actual analog signal and the quantized digital representation of that signal. It occurs when an analog signal is converted into a digital form by rounding off the signal values to the nearest available digital value. This error can introduce inaccuracies in the signal representation.

Is there an HDMI selector with component audio out?

No, you cannot convert HDMI (digital) into component video (analog), or extract the audio in analog form. Both devices must be HDMI to permit a connection.

What does digital recording do to an analog sound wave?

It quantizes it into discrete points represented by zeros and ones (digital information). The number of samples must be at least two times the highest frequency component of the analog wave. The number of bits in each sample determines how close the digital information is to the actual value of the analog signal.

Is a LCD TV digitalized?

Originally, LCD sets were a combination of analog and digital components. Now, they're more digital oriented bu still contain an analog tuner section for the soon to be defunct NTSC television system. In the future, we'll eventually be 100 percent digital, but manufacturers will probably continue to have some type of analog inputs for your new TV's for awhile, while people still have analog DVD players, VCR's and the like.

Why must sound and video input to a PC be converted from analog to digital?

Because in order to preserve the original sound, a digital sampling rate must be twice the frequency of the analog signalAnalog data is smooth and continuous, where as digital data, such as the binary data used in computers, has distinct gradations. The process of producing digital data by measuring data at a series of representative points is called sampling.