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The wind farmers usually want to spread them out so the propellers do not collide. They also want to spread the turbines out so that they can catch the wind wherever it is.

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Q: Why are wind turbines not placed next to one another?
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Related questions

Do wind turbines affect radio and television signals?

If placed in the wrong location, wind turbines can affect radio and television signals.

What is it called when several wind turbines are clustered togethered?

A group of wind turbines clustered together is often referred to as a wind farm or wind turbine array. The turbines are strategically placed in close proximity to maximize energy generation from wind resources.

How many wind turbines are there in a wind farm?

The amount of wind turbines in a wind farm can vary from one farm to another. They can have as few as five or as many as 150 wind turbines. One of the largest wind farms is Alta Wind Energy center in Kern County, California. It has over 4,800 wind turbines.

Where are wind turbines placed?

In wide open places (and windy), and they are placed where when the winds hits one of them, the other one starts like domino's.... its placed where the wind is used again.

Are there different types of wind energy?

Yes, there are different types of wind energy. The most common type is onshore wind energy, where turbines are installed on land. Offshore wind energy involves turbines being placed in bodies of water, typically in oceans. Additionally, there are floating wind turbines that can be placed in deeper waters where fixed structures are not feasible.

Why turbines are placed on the roof of some homes in the tropics?

Turbines on the roofs of homes in the tropics are often used to harness wind energy for power generation. The consistent wind patterns in the tropics make it an ideal location for wind turbines. Placing turbines on rooftops can also help maximize space efficiency and take advantage of higher wind speeds at higher elevations.

How do you find good places for wind turbines?

Wind turbines are normally placed at the bottom of a valley, or a hill that doesn't have trees (trees block and trap wind, reducing the wind speed) at an angle where the speed of wind and the amount of wind are the greatest so to produce the maximum amount of energy.

What are some of the different designs of wind turbines?

country side wind turbines and modern turbines

Why are wind turbines located in windy places?

Wind turbines are located in windy places because higher wind speeds allow the turbines to produce more electricity. The energy generated by wind turbines is directly proportional to the cube of the wind speed, so locations with consistent and strong winds are ideal for maximizing power output. Additionally, wind turbines are often placed in remote or coastal areas to minimize disruptions to nearby communities.

What does wind turbines do?

A wind turbines uses the wind to power an electricity generator.

What is a common type of wind turbine?

Horizontal axis wind turbines, modern wind turbines, vertical axis turbines.

What is an advantage to using a wind turbines to produce electricity?

One advantage of using wind turbines to produce electricity is that wind is a renewable and abundant energy source that does not produce greenhouse gas emissions or air pollution during operation. Wind turbines can also be placed in various locations, including offshore, to take advantage of strong wind resources.