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In tools like QC or Test Director

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Q: Where to store testcases and requirement document?
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What are the work product of requirement engineering?

An SRS document is formed after requirement engineering. The SRS stands for Software Requirement Specification.

Difference between requirement and requirement specification?

"requirement" is nothing but the raw data gathered from the customer what he wants. "requirement specification" is a document which specify the requirements.

How are videos stored in a computers memory?

the text files store in the document files the sound files store in the document files the pictures files store in the document files the video files store in the document files

What do you call the document that comes with the software that tells you what you can and can't do with that piece of software?

Software requirement specifications or Functional requirement specifications

What does Air Force acronym DR-MD stand for?

It stands for deployment requirement and manning documentdeployment requirement and manning document

Can you notarize a document if your Texas notary stamp is expired but your commission is still active?

No. Absolutely not. It is a requirement to have a VALID NOTARY SEAL to legitimize the document.

In a legal document how many lines of typed material should appear on a page containing signatures?

There is no minimum requirement for the signature page of a legal document

What is a document management service?

Businesses often have a large amount of documentation that they must store for legal reasons. This can include contracts, patient files, tax information and more. A document service will store this information for you. They will store any document that you upload to their system.

If does a legal document need to be attested?

Whether a legal document needs attestation (or notarization) depends on the law of the jurisdiction. As a general rule if a document required such "at common law" then the similar document today might require it unless a statute eliminated the requirement.

What is the use of your document?

it helps us to store data

What is the meaning of the document in ms word?

A document is a file , in which you can store personal or public information. In ms word, you can type in any information, or just about anything you want and you can even store it.

What is electronic document?

Electronic document management are a set of computer programs used to track and store electronic documents. An electronic system can organize and store different kinds of documents.