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Tesla moved to the United States in 1884. When he arrived, he worked as an assistant to Thomas Edison, then in his late 30's. Edison had just invented the electric light bulb, but he needed a system to distribute electricity to houses. He designed a DC (direct current) system, but it had many bugs in it. Edison promised Tesla lots of money in bonuses if he could get the bugs out. Tesla took the challenge and ended up saving Edison over $100,000, which was millions of dollars by today's standards. Edison later refused to keep his promise. Tesla quit not long after that, and Edison spent the rest of his life trying to discredit Tesla which is the main reason why he is so unknown today. Edison was envious of him and instead of working a relatioship and working with him, the rest is known.

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Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla met when Tesla started working for Edison at his company, Edison Machine Works, in 1884. Tesla made significant contributions to the company, but the two inventors had contrasting views on electricity and eventually parted ways due to disagreements on alternating current versus direct current.