What is a 2N2369 transistor.It's an npn switching transistor.
BT169 is neither an NPN nor a PNP transistor. BT169 is a thyristor, otherwise known as a silicon controlled rectifier.
Generally upstream is closer to the positive (+) voltage source. In the case of an NPN transistor upstream of the transistor is the part of the circuit from (+) to the NPN collector pin. Downstream of the transistor is from the NPN emitter pin to the ground / sink / negative (-) terminal.
To know if a transistor is PNP or an NPN,the following should be verified:For a PNP transistor, the base-collector junction is forward biased while the base-emitter junction is reversed biased.For an NPN transistor, the base-emitter junction is forward biased while the base -collector junction is reversed biased.
This mechanism is how a transistor works.
Uh dun't nuh
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What is a 2N2369 transistor.It's an npn switching transistor.
It is an npn power transistor
A: Vce is the voltage across the transistor . Ie is the emitter current. Ico is the collector current with the base open. Or really the leakage.
because once saturated it will conduct current both way raja TOQEER (Pakistan)
BT169 is neither an NPN nor a PNP transistor. BT169 is a thyristor, otherwise known as a silicon controlled rectifier.
Generally upstream is closer to the positive (+) voltage source. In the case of an NPN transistor upstream of the transistor is the part of the circuit from (+) to the NPN collector pin. Downstream of the transistor is from the NPN emitter pin to the ground / sink / negative (-) terminal.
To know if a transistor is PNP or an NPN,the following should be verified:For a PNP transistor, the base-collector junction is forward biased while the base-emitter junction is reversed biased.For an NPN transistor, the base-emitter junction is forward biased while the base -collector junction is reversed biased.