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If the integrated circuit in some kind of device has 5,000 transistors on it, then

before integrated circuits were available, the same function might have been

performed by 100 individual transistors. And before transistors were available, the

same function might have been performed by 30 vacuum tubes, a fan and air system

to keep them cool, and a large power system to operate the tubes and the cooler.

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Vaccume tubes were generally used before transistors..

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Q: What were used before transistors?
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Continue Learning about Electrical Engineering

Does a refrigerator have transistors?

A fridge may or may not have a few transistors in it, these are electrical components that would probably be part of the control circuitry. Transistors used to be very common components of most electrical appliances. The cooling process of the fridge has nothing to do with transistors and is handled by a compressor and a heat exchange pump

When transistors are used in digital circuits they usually operate in what region?

active region

What do you call the vacuum tubes used in transistor radios?

You don't, there aren't any. However some radios in the early 1950s did use both vacuum tubes and transistors. This was because early junction transistors were too slow to operate at RF so vacuum tubes were used in the RF and IF sections. These radios were called hybrid radios because they used both vacuum tubes and transistors.

How many transistors are used in static ram?

I am not to sure about Static Ram but in CMOS RAM, 1GB of RAM would contain about 137438953472 transistors because 1 bit of CMOS RAM contains 16 Transistors, 8 bits in a byte and 1073741824 bytes in a gigabyte. I am 100% sure about this and these are just estimations. Static RAM uses about 6 times as many transistors as dynamic RAM for the same amount of storage. Dynamic RAM uses 1 or 2 transistors per bit in typical implementations. Add to this transistors for address decode, bus interface, etc.

What are the applications of clap switch?

it acts as a direct switch by usingg a battery. it is also used in transistors

Related questions

What two technologies were used in computers before integrated circuits were used?

Tubes, magnetic logic, and transistors.

How did colossus work without transistors?

There were vacuum tubes before transistors

What elements are used in transistors?

Silicon and germanium are the elements used in transistors

Why were the vacuum tubes used instead of transistors in early computers?

Early transistors were much slower and far more expensive than vacuum tubes. Also computers built before 1948 there were no transistors to use at all.

What are power transistors?

Power transistors are transistors that are used in high-power amplifiers and power supplies.

What are transistors used in?

Transistors are used in any electrical somponent including amplifiers, remote controls etc.

What element are in transistors?

Silicon and germanium are the elements used in transistors

What elements in in transistors?

Silicon and germanium are the elements used in transistors

Why are npn transistors used more often than pnp transistors?

The primary reason that NPN transistors are used more often than PNP transistors is that they usually operate faster (at higher frequencies) because the mobility of the current carriers in NPN transistors (electrons) is much higher than that of the current carriers in PNP transistors (holes).

Why transistors are not used for switching devices?

Transistors are used for switching devices! What gave you the idea they aren't?

What substance is in sand that is used in making transistors?

Silicon is the substance in sand that is used in making transistors. Silicon is used as the raw material for producing the silicon wafers, which are then processed to create the transistors.

Why base is used in transistors?