A p-n junction (or a metal-semiconductor junction) with rectifying behaviour is an electronic device which allows a one-way only current flow (between the two semiconductor regions, or between the metal and the semiconductor). An ohmic contact in a metal-semiconductor junction is realized by lowering the potential barrier (allowing electrons to easily migrate into the metal) and by increasing the doping levels in the semiconductor (more than 10^18 cm^-3): this way the potential barrier, that should stop electrons from migrating into the semiconductor, is confined in a very small region making it possible for electrons with low energy to pass through it (tunneling effect). This means that in a ohmic contact current can flow both ways; such a device apparently works like a resistor with a low resistance, hence the "ohmic contact" name.
In step-graded the acceptor and donor concentrations in the semiconductor are constants up to the junction.In a linearly-graded junction, impurity concentration varies linearly with distance from the junction
Metal Oxide Semiconductor. Usually used when referring to a specific type of transistor which uses this type of semiconductor material: the Field Effect Transistor (FET).
MOSFET is an acronym standing for Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor.
I think its related to junction of two dissimilar semiconductor (or semiconductor and metal) and not only a semiconductor. well when two opposite nature semiconductor (hetero or homo) are joined to form a junctions they allow the flow of current in one direction while blocks it in other direction. The applied bias V which will cause the current flow is called forward bias and the current flowing through the junction forward bias current.
It is a semiconductor.
Metal is a good conductor of electricity due to the presence of free electrons, while semiconductor has conductivity in between metal and insulator and its conductivity can be controlled by doping. Insulator has very low conductivity as it lacks free electrons for conduction.
A p-n junction (or a metal-semiconductor junction) with rectifying behaviour is an electronic device which allows a one-way only current flow (between the two semiconductor regions, or between the metal and the semiconductor). An ohmic contact in a metal-semiconductor junction is realized by lowering the potential barrier (allowing electrons to easily migrate into the metal) and by increasing the doping levels in the semiconductor (more than 10^18 cm^-3): this way the potential barrier, that should stop electrons from migrating into the semiconductor, is confined in a very small region making it possible for electrons with low energy to pass through it (tunneling effect). This means that in a ohmic contact current can flow both ways; such a device apparently works like a resistor with a low resistance, hence the "ohmic contact" name.
A semiconductor is a device which is neither a Insulator nor a conductor. They behave like one in the right conditions.
Complementary metal-oxide semiconductor
A geranium is a flower, and not a semiconductor. The element Germanium, however, is a semiconductor, which means it has an electrical conductivity somewhere between that of a metal and an insulator.
It stands for: Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor
No, tungsten is not a semiconductor. Tungsten is a metal known for its high melting point and resistance to corrosion. Semiconductors are materials that have conductivity between that of a conductor and an insulator, like silicon or germanium.
Seebeck effect is a compact needle. This is what makes the compose work right.
No, gold is not a semiconductor. Gold is a metal and is known for its excellent electrical conductivity, unlike semiconductors which have properties that fall between those of conductors and insulators.
Silicon is a semiconductor. It is widely used in electronic devices due to its semiconducting properties, which allow it to be either a conductor or an insulator depending on the conditions. Silicon is not classified as an alkali metal, alkaline-earth metal, or transition metal.
No, titanium is a metal.