The adding of this two sound will give you total sound level of 87 dBSPL. Scroll down to related links and look at "Adding acoustic levels of sound sources - Combining decibels, adding of levels, or combining levels".
80.414dB. (If each source has it's own random phasing and are therefore non-coherent)
Much depends on the duration that the person is exposed to the sound. Under UK law an employer should provide hearing protection if the average sound level in the workplace exceeds 80db over the course of a day. Peak sound pressure levels should be no more than 135dB.
80dB is 10 times louder than 70dB. In terms of perceived loudness, an increase of 10dB roughly corresponds to doubling the loudness level.
rms - 0.707 times peak 2 peak. since 80dB has no reference there is no answer. dB is mearly a ratio 80dB=10,000 times greater than 0dB dBm is ref to 1 milliwatt and dBu is ref to 0.775 volts RMS if 50mV is p-p then 50mV p-p * 0.707 = 35.35 mV.
Sound intensity is inversely proportional to the square of the distancefrom the source.-- Increase the distance from the source by 10 times.-- Sound intensity decreases to 1/102 = 1/100 .-- 10 log ( 1/100 ) = -20 dB-- 100 dB - 20 dB = 80 dB
It really depends on what type you have some products will only block out some of the sound(sound reduction) and others will completely block out the noise. ask some one that have one they could help you.answ2. No ear protectors will block out all noise. Good ones may reduce the sound by more than 40dB, and poor ones should still reduce by better than 20dB.Sounds louder than about 80dB(A) will be damaging to your hearing.Almost all our social interaction is via sounds, and loss of hearing equates to loss of society.
80 dB is 10 times louder than 70 dB, and 70 dB is 10 times louder than 60 dB, and so on. Therefore, 80 dB is 1000 times louder than 40 dB.
Motorcycles should not exceed 80dB below 35MPH, and 86dB above 35MPH. This may vary between different States. For a more accurate answer you could ask your local State Police station. References:
1000 times louder. Every 10 decibel, the intensity increases by a factor of 10.1000 times louder. Every 10 decibel, the intensity increases by a factor of 10.1000 times louder. Every 10 decibel, the intensity increases by a factor of 10.1000 times louder. Every 10 decibel, the intensity increases by a factor of 10.
You can try searching for the manual on the manufacturer's website or contacting their customer support for assistance. Additionally, you may find a digital copy of the manual by searching online on websites that host user manuals and guides.
A rock concert in a medium sized club with profesional equipment could go up to 107db. Mind you everything above 80db is extremly harmfull for your ears! 120 db is the painlimit! When you go to a club or concert do not shout in someones ear, you wouldn't do that at home either. Always wear earplugs.
No, of course it is not limitless. It's actually not very far, just a few metres, especially at the higher frequencies the animal uses to home in on its prey.The range depends not only on the species, but also on various factors including call frequency, the bat's calling power (very low) and the reflectivity of the target.It is influenced by the loudness of the call which in some species can well exceed 100dB re 20µPa. (That 20 micro-pascals is used as the reference sound-pressure level for airborne sound in decibels, as it is that of the quietest sound humanly audible within the human frequency range and so = 0dB). Even so the bat is a very small creature so its call power is very low.As frequency rises so transmission range falls. Some of the power is lost by the beam-width - i.e. some of the sound misses the target by spreading out. (I wonder if the fungal infection, White Nose Syndrome, presently devastating the American bats is particularly serious among the horseshoe bats? Their peculiar nose-leaves focus the call - damage to the leaf may damage its sound beam-forming ability so reduce the echo-locating efficiency & accuracy.)The theoretical minimum attenuation with distance is an inverse-square law, and since the bat is relying on the echo, the sound has to travel to the target then return, so that's two distance-squared losses.Let's do the sums: 100dB call sound pressure level 1 metre from the animal's face is reduced by [20 log1010] dB at 10m away, so 20dB loss. If the sound hits a flat, fully acoustically-reflective surface it will therefore start its return at 80dB, so reach the bat's ears at 60dB (ignoring the approaching animal's slight change of position in the meantime). A loss overall of 40dB. And that's the theoretical maximum, ignoring all other sources of loss. The reality is far lower.For one thing, the sound is extremely unlikely to fall on a perfectly reflective surface, so a good deal of its energy is either absorbed or bounced off at angles away from the bat. The bat's brain also has to sift the distorted echo of its own voice from a solid object or its prey from all the specular reflections from the surrounding objects.So whilst it's impossible to give clear ranges for bats generally, it is normally little more than perhaps 10 metres, especially for the hunting chirps which are according to species but might sweep from about 80kHz up to about 140kHz. For more general navigation, and for "social" calls, bats use lower-frequency squeaks that will travel further than at high frequencies.A great deal of research has been done, and continues to be done on bat's echo-location; even to the extent of using models of bat's heads to trace the acoustics.As for what they "see", we can only speculate. Flying at dusk in the open air they have their eyes to help them, but navigating in absolute darkness in caves and tunnels requires 100% echo-location plus excellent homing and direction instincts, and it's surprising how far into caves they will fly, even through quite small, zig-zagging passages.We can't tell what image the animal's brain forms from the echoes; we can only marvel at the incredible depth and speed of signal-processing going on in a small part of a brain weighing just few grammes in all. It is using the echo-data at perhaps 10 pulses/second, and other senses' returns, not only to "see" its world but also to synchronise the flight, breathing, calling, ear-damping and jaws... while the rest of the brain continues monitoring and operating the rest of the animal generally.