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Q: What is the abbreviation for microvolt?
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One millivolt is how much larger than one microvolt?

One millivolt is 1000 times larger than one microvolt.

Is there a measurement smaller than a volt?

There no electrical units for measurement of volatage that are smaller than a volt. A millivolt (1/1000 volt) A microvolt (1/1000 millivolt) A nanovolt (1/1000 microvolt).

Can you have a list of words that start with the prefix microw?

Mircro is the prefix for small. Some words are microscope, microfilm, microvolt, mircrometer, microcard, etc.

What can one measure with potentiometers?

A potentiometer measures the potential voltage in a circuit. There are several types of potentiometers including constant current, constant resistance, microvolt, and thermocouple.

What is the abbreviation for an associate's degree?

The abbreviation is AAS.The abbreviation is AAS.The abbreviation is AAS.The abbreviation is AAS.The abbreviation is AAS.The abbreviation is AAS.

What words start with mikro meaning small?

microorganisims, micromanagment, microbe, microscope, microscopic, microscopist, microscopy, micromicrosecond, micrometer, microvolt, microphone, microwave, microbiology, microbiologist, microchip.

What ai abbreviation for abbreviation?

The abbreviation for abbreviation is "abbr."

Abbreviation for centimeter?

The abbreviation for centimeter is cm. The abbreviation for meter is m. The abbreviation for inches is in. The abbreviation for liter is L.

What is the abbreviation of GPA?

"GPA" is already an abbreviation for "grade point average". There is no further abbreviation for the abbreviation.

What is the abbreviation for parents?

Parent is actually an abbreviation itself. It is an abbreviation for parental. Some say that an abbreviation could be rent, but other than that since it is an abbreviation it doesn't really have an abbreviation.

What is Illinois' postal abbreviation?

Standard Abbreviation: Ill.Postal Abbreviation: IL

What is the abbreviation for the world management?

The abbreviation is: M.O.M .