An open circuit
a circuit with no resistance or zero resistance can be considered as open circuit in which the current is zero. without resistance the circuit just becomes open ()
An open circuit does not work. You need to have a complete circuit for the electrical current to flow back to its source. For example: An open circuit occurs when a series fuse blows or a connector is unplugged.
To detect and open the circuit if a thermal overload is present and to detect and open the circuit if a short circuit caused by a magnetic increase of flux in the circuit.
"Open circuit voltage" is a characteristic of a battery or power supply. You measure it exactly as the term suggests ... disconnect any load from it (or open the ON/OFF switch), and measure the voltage across the terminals of the battery or power supply while it's not supplying current to anything.
magnetisation characteristic of dc generator is nothing but the open circuit characteristic of dc generator where we determine the operating characteristics of dc is used to determine the open circuit armature voltage keeping armature current zero,at rated speed and after few laps of time filed current is gonig to be raised from zero.where the armature open circuit voltage is reached above its rated value. '
An open circuit is called open because the circuit has an opening, a disconnection. In other words, there is an open space in the circuit in which the electrons cannot move through.
An open circuit....
When a circuit is in off condition then it is called an open circuit..
As load is conected in circuit , so thre is no open circuit therefore there would not be any open circuit voltage.
If the circuit was open, the tram's motor could not run!
meaning that the current from your power source doesn't return to the positive end (electricity flows from - negative, to + positive)
When a plug key is open , the circuit is incomplete and is call open circuit.. To be continued..
a circuit which is open
If the lights are the load of the circuit, then the lights will be off if the circuit is open.
An open circuit or a short-circuit (if that circuit is complete).
Three ways a circuit can be made to be open are, blown fuse, open switch and open contact.