Zero rpm at the drive does not exclude the presence of a holding torque on the shaft of the motor due to load in some circumstances. The motor current will be a reflection of the torque presented at the shaft.
at the time of starting when syncchronous torque is zero , i.e. when the motor starts with the help of starting torque , the armature current required to produce sync. torque is zero. If V = E(b) i.e. When back emf E(b) equals supply voltage.
Differential compounded generators are used in Ward Lenard motor generator loops. The shunt fields on these generators are separately excited and when the shunt field polarity is reversed by the controller the series field helps drive the generator voltage to zero thus aiding in the reversal of current.
A: A current source can be defined as a zero impedance source. A battery is essentially a zero impedance since it can provide lots of current with zero volts out
A current source ideally should be with an internal impedance of 0 zero. So even if the output is zero volts current can flow.
Stoll condition of a motor or Stall torque is the torque which is produced by a device when the output rotational speed is zero. It may also mean the torque load that causes the output rotational speed of a device to become zero - i.e. to cause stalling.Stalling is a condition when the motor stops rotating.This condition occurs when the load torque is greater than the motor shaft torque i.e. break down condition.In this condition the motor draws maximum current but the motor does not rotate.The current is called as Stalling current.
CBCT used to protect the motor winding from unbalance load it is install on the cable ,in normal balance conditions the sum of the three phase current is zero so secondary current of the ct also zero .when ever unbalance occurs then this unbalance current will flows through the ct then relay sense and trip motor
Zero volts produces zero current.
An induction motor relies on low-frequency currents induced in the rotor by the difference in speed between the rotor and the rotating magnetic field. At sychronous speed the induced current is zero therefore the torque is also zero.
How do you zero phase current transformer test
No current flows when the the voltage is zero.
At zero rpm a dc motor draws a current that could be enough to blow the circuit breaker. In that case it is normal to place a resistor in series to limit the current to slightly below the circuit-breaker setting. The resistor is switched out after the motor runs up.
No current flows when the applied voltage is zero.
at the time of starting when syncchronous torque is zero , i.e. when the motor starts with the help of starting torque , the armature current required to produce sync. torque is zero. If V = E(b) i.e. When back emf E(b) equals supply voltage.
Differential compounded generators are used in Ward Lenard motor generator loops. The shunt fields on these generators are separately excited and when the shunt field polarity is reversed by the controller the series field helps drive the generator voltage to zero thus aiding in the reversal of current.