power amplifiers are the amplifier which raise the power levels of the signal.the power amplifier may also defined as a device which converts dc power to ac power and whose action is controlled by the ac input signal.
Power amplifiers are also known as "LARGE SIGNAL AMPLIFIER".the term large signal arises because they use large part of load line for their operation,but the small signal amplifiers are use only 10% load line for their operation.
Analog Signal. If I helped you out make sure to check out my Youtube. GomezManor
we often confuse our-self with continuous time and analog signals. An analog signal is a signal which can take any amplitude in continuous range that is signal amplitude can take infinite values on the other hand a digital signal is one whose amplitude can take only finite numbers of values THE TERM CONTINUOUS SIGNAL AND DISCRETE SIGNAL CLASSIFY THE SIGNALS ALONG THE TIME (i.e. horizontal axis) where as THE TERM ANALOG AND DIGITAL SIGNAL CLASSIFY THE SIGNAL ALONG THE AMPLITUDE (i.e vertical axis)
That term to me is incorrect it should be capacitance impedance. Resistance is linear impedance. CAPACITANCE will follow a vector caused by the capacitor value.
When your audio modulating signal is larger than your RF carrier amplitude the peak of the modulated carrier will become flat and a distorted audio signal with flattened peaks will be send out from the detector on the receiver side
a closed circuit, in which the signal continually travels around a circular path over and over until one of the components (usually neurons) stops functioning and the signal is not transmitted to the next component; proposed by Hebb as the mechanism for short-term memory
Small signal amplifiers are generally referred to as "Voltage" amplifiers as they convert a small input voltage into a much larger output voltage.
degration means to degrade something.
The proper term is, "By and Large"In sailing days, it meant, "Sailing By the wind, and going Large", which meant you had the wind aft, or generally behind you, and your sails were full, or large.In effect, it means you had more options of courses to steer.
The term "at large" comes from Middle English and Old French, where "larges" meant "at liberty." It originally referred to someone who was not in custody or confinement and was free to move around.
The term bigtit refers to the breasts that are found on females. The term refers to breasts that are of a large size and is used to distinguish them from average sized ones.
what is meant by the term catheterisation
What is meant by the term resistivity?
Explain what is meant by the term 'dementia.'
what is meant by the term identity politics
What is meant by the term organisation culture
A city is a very large aggregation of houses and other buildings bounded by political limits in which a very large number of people live, work, and play.
What is meant by the term 'compaction'