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As you have written it (mvar), it stands for 'reactive millivolt amperes', but I think you probably mean 'Mvar', which stands for 'reactive megavolt amperes'. These are units for reactive power of an alternating-current load.

A lower-case 'm' represents 'milli', whereas an upper-case 'M' represents 'mega'. 'V' represents 'volts', 'A' represents 'amperes', and 'r' represents 'reactive'.

SI does not specify a symbol for reactive volt amperes (it only recognises 'watts'), so it is seen in written in various ways, including: var, VAR, VAr, VA(r), and VAr -in each case, it is also common to see a 'raised period' between the V and the A -e.g. V.Ar .

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Full fom of MVAR?

Mega - Volt - Ampere - Reactive

Is mvar can used to measure mva?

No, mvar (megavolt-ampere reactive) is a unit of apparent power while MVA (megavolt-ampere) is a unit of real power. Mvar is used to measure reactive power, while MVA is used to measure total power (both real and reactive).

A transmission line has 30 megawatts and 40 megavars what is the megavolt amps load on the line?

By definition, MVA is equivalent to the vector sum of MW and MVAR: MVA^2 = MW^2 + MVAR^2 = 2500 MVA = 50

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mw/mva=power factor reactive power(Q)=I2XL or E2/XL where XL= REACTANCE apparent power = square root of (MW2 + MVAR2 )

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For 230 kv application, Its around 75k/MVar

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MVA is the apparent power. MVA=( MW+ MVAr)1/2

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mw is the unit of real power and mvar is unit of reactive power. You should now the current and power factor angle to calculate the voltage.p=vi cos piq=vi sin piAnswerI think you mean MW, not mw -capital 'M' mega; lower-case 'm' milli!!! And the symbol for watt is a capital 'W', not a lower case 'w'. Also, I think you mean 'Mvar'(mega, not milli!).

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