Bleeding of steam means Extracting steam from Turbines for heating the feed-water.
Normally, there are High Pressure Heaters & Low Pressure heaters in Condensate cycle. Steam bleed out from the turbine gets into these heaters and heats up the feed-water (generally termed as Sensible Heat Addition).
The steam that was bled can be re-used as condensate in Deaerators.
Steam Extractions although reduce net work output but helps in overall gain in efficiency in terms of Reduced Fuel Consumption.
The amount of energy transferred from the steam is a function of the temperature difference between the input and output of the turbine. Also, superheating the steam ensures that there are no water molecules that can damage the turbine blades.
In a thermal power plant, water is heated in a boiler to produce steam.This steam turns the shafts of a turbine.the thermal energy of the steam is converted into mechanical energy at the turbine.The turbine is coupled with an alternator.In the alternator, the mechanical energy of the turbine is converted into electrical energy.
The turbines or Pelton wheels in a hydroelectric power plant are turned by water pressure.
Nuclear material is used to heat water which creates steam. The steam turns a turbine generator, like a car alternator on a massive scale, which creates the electricity that we use in our homes.
I assume you mean electricity produced by burning coal, natural gas, or oil. These are the traditional fossil fuels used to produce heat, steam, and hence electric power.
No, a power plant that uses fossil fuels such as gas or coal, cannot be classified as a thermal power plant. A thermal power plant uses the heat from deep within the earth, combined with water to create steam, which then powers the turbines.
Condensing the steam in a thermal power plant allows for the reuse of the water, increasing the plant's efficiency and reducing water usage. It also helps prevent energy losses by converting the steam back into water, which can then be heated and turned back into steam to continue generating electricity.
A modern combined cycle gas turbine/ steam turbine power plant can reach almost 60% efficiency.
Nothing, except possibly size, but that would be because of different power rating of plant not different type of plant.
STG stands for Steam turbine generator. It is a type of power plant that generates electricity by using steam to drive a turbine connected to a generator. The turbine converts the thermal energy in the steam into mechanical energy, which is then converted into electrical energy by the generator.
A coal burning power plant uses thermal energy from burning coal to create steam. The steam then powers a turbine which generates electricity through a generator.
An oil fired thermal power plant is one which heats up oil so as to supply the heat needed to heat water and produce steam. They differ from nuclear power plants which rely on nuclear fusion.
The first thermal power plant was invented in the 19th century, with the first commercially successful plant being built by Thomas Edison in 1882 in New York City. This plant used steam to generate electricity from heat produced by burning coal.
Turbo Alternators are used in thermal power stations because of the steam energy to mechanical energy conversion turbo alternator is more effitient
The source of the thermal energy is obviously completely different, but the steam side, turbo-generator, etc is very similar.