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High-Speed USB 2.0 PHY

Silicon proven and USB-IF certified, Mentor's USB mixed signal products are designed for the growing embedded consumer market. Price-sensitive and battery-operated products such as cellular phones, PDAs, and cameras have special requirements. Mentor's USB PHY IP is optimized for these types of embedded applications, with their low power consumption, minimal die area and high data throughput features.

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Q: What is USB 2.0 PHY?
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What are the advantages of rs232 over USB?

- USB is a full standard, from physical connection all the way up to software stacks (RS-232 only really defines the electrical interface)- USB is faster- USB has standard drivers for many different device classes- USB can provide power for low power devices- USB has a simple 4 pin connector- USB allows multiple devices to be connected to a single port on the master via a hub

How can i use USB flash drive in Vista?

Just plug it in to your PC and Vista will pick it up, if not, there mis something wrong with your installation

How many amps does it take to stop your heart?

Its only takes 100 milliamps to stop your heart. A USB port on a computer runs at 100 milliamps.

What is fast rf?

Fast RF is a type of radio frequency transmission for sending data from a wireless input device (e.g. a cordless mouse) to a computer via attached receiver. Theoretically, Fast RF can be done at different transmission frequencies (i.e. the size of the radio wave, e.g. 2.4 gHz, etc.) but its main aspect is that it transmits data 125 times per second, much faster than wireless technologies prior to the creation of Fast RF standards. A standard USB port cannot read/understand more than 125 transmissions, so fast RF is as fast as it can handle (I presume USB 2.0 can go faster, as it's higher bandwidth, but don't know for sure). Short and sweet, if you want a wireless mouse and are using a USB 1 port or hub, Fast RF is as good as you'll see so far as speed is concerned, because it matches the maximum data rate of the USB port.

4-20 ma loop testing?

Yes a 4 - 20 ma loop can be tested.

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Is phy a prefix?

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The acceleration of two free-falling objects with different masses is the same because they experience the same gravitational force from the Earth. According to Newton's second law, F = ma, where F is the force, m is the mass, and a is the acceleration. Since the gravitational force is proportional to the mass of the object, the force on each mass is not the same, but the resulting acceleration is.

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Some words that end with "phy" include biology, sophy, and telepathy.

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Pro-Phy-Lac-Tic Brush Company ended in 1930.

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Pro-Phy-Lac-Tic Brush Company was created in 1866.

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Gunsmoke - 1955 Joe Phy - 3.17 was released on: USA: 4 January 1958

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simple who teaches phy...lolz

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