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By "pulsating" current, I presume you mean alternating current. If so then the answer is YES. Current, (electron flow) is measured with a device called an "amprobe". It measures current flow in amperes. (the device or circuit you're measuring must be in use and drawing power to get a measurement. An amprobe is that electrical meter with a large "clamp" at the top of it. The clamp must be placed around the hot conductor and only one conductor. For example if you put the clamp around a cord running say a toaster, it'll read 0 because the neutral cancels out the signal of the hot conductor. If you're measuring a 3 phase device, you again must measure each of the three "hot" wires individually. The three "legs" should all be close in their amp values. You can average them, but note the highest value is the critical value. Also note that if you look this up on say Google, be aware that "Amprobe" is a brand name of the first company who made these devices. (I still have an original from the 70's) Now virtually all electrical meter manufacturers make "amprobes."

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Q: What instrument measures a pulsating current?
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An ammeter. It measures the electrical current output.

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A thermometer is sufficient.

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An ammeter is the instrument that measures electric current in a circuit. It is connected in series to the circuit to measure the flow of current through it.

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It measures the current.

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A galvanometer is a type of ammeter: An instrument for detecting and measuring electric current.

What instrument measures current in an electric circuit?

An ammeter is the instrument used to measure current in an electric circuit. It is connected in series in the circuit and provides a reading of the amount of electric current flowing through it.

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A multimeter can measure different things related to electricity, including current and voltage.

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A compass can be used to measure the direction of current flow in a circuit by aligning the compass needle with the magnetic field created by the current.

An ammeter is used for what?

An ammeter is an instrument which is used for measurement of current flowing in any circuit