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the telephone, and the lightbulb

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Q: What important inventions were created following the development of electricity?
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What was the Most important inventions of the 19th century?

telephone and electricity

Did Nikola Tesla have something to do with math?

Math plays an important part in all Tesla's inventions but his inventions fall into the electricity inventions category.

Most important inventions?

One of the most important inventions is the penicillin which was discovered in 1928. Another very important invention was the invention of compass, which was discovered by ancient China in the 9th century.

What are the five most important inventions of man?

Electricity Flight Light Car Computer

What are the most important inventions in history?

gun powder or light bulb/ use of electricity

What are the most important inventions to affect mankind?

The wheel; Jesus Christ; the printing press; electricity.

How is Leonardo da Vinci inventions important in history?

They paved the way for further development.

Which of the following was one of the most important inventions during the Renaissance?

printing press

Why are the Shang and Zhou dynasty important to the Development of China?

the zhou dynasty was important to china for their inventions,leaders,and help and commitment to china.

What are some inventions of electric charges?

well i think that one of the most biggest and important invents that use electricity is the computers

What are the importants of electreicity?

Electricity is important because it is the most needs of the human being. It is also responsible for modern technology and inventions.

Which one the following essential minerals is important in the tooth development?
