it means that how are thing NOW.... what have changed.... how is it now
RMS is the root mean square value.(in alternating current only)
The sharing of current between different components in an AC circuit
A: As current flow in the primary it will magnetize the core of the iron in the transformer that is called magnetizing.
What you are currently working as. Your occupation as in your job or profession.
I think you mean 'alternating' current ('alternative' means choice). The ammeter must be inserted in series with the load, just as with direct current.
Managers should not focus on the current stock value because the value fluctuates daily based on market conditions, profits, management, and current economy. Managers should instead focus on the long term growth of the company.
It means Focus Sports Technology - Focus ST
In Microsoft Access, the shortcut key to move focus to the previous field of the current record is "Shift + Tab."
Focus means like the subject.
What does hypodense focus mean. Thank You mj1960
What does hypodense focus mean. Thank You mj1960
Thuy Nga is actually a company name which was founded in Vietnam who focus on entertainment production such as music. Their current headquarters is now in the United States of America.
current financial resources
dont have a current employer
Current address