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a resistor

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Q: What does a series circuit not have?
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Related questions

What are the two kinds of electrical circuit?

There are four types of circuit: series, parallel, series-parallel, and complex.

How is a series circuit and a parallel circuit like their circuit names?

A series circuit is actually in series, but a parallel circuit, is Parallel

Are fluorescent lights on a parallel circuit or a series circuit?

series circuit

What type of circuit are there?

parallel circuit / series circuit / and a short circuit

Where are series circuits in a computer?

A series circuit is a way of connection components of an electrical circuit. A circuit that is made up solely of components connected in a series is known as a series circuit.

How do you use series circuit in a sentence?

This project will require a parallel circuit, not a series circuit.

In series circuit why current drop beceause according to kichroff law cuurent remain same in series circuit?

In a series circuit current does stay the same thoughout the circuit, voltage drops in the series circuit.

A circuit that has only one path for the current is called?

A circuit that has only one path for the current is called a series circuit. In a series circuit, the components are connected end-to-end, creating a single pathway for the flow of electricity. This means that the current passing through each component is the same, making series circuits useful for applications where a consistent current is needed.

What circuit has all the coponents in one loop?

It is a series circuit with all the components connected in series.

What type of circuit is one in which all loads are connected in a single loop-?

That is described as a circuit in series, as opposed to a circuit in parallel, in which there is more than one loop.

Types of electrical circuit?

Series and parallelImproved AnswerThere are four categories of circuit: series, parallel, series-parallel, and complex. 'Complex' is a 'catch-all', used to describe circuits that are not series, parallel, or series-parallel. An example of a 'complex' circuit is a Wheatstone Bridge circuit.

How are resistance combined in a series circuit?

Resistances are additive in a series circuit.