A transistor is a three-terminal device consisting of 3 layers of semiconductor material. Two of them are one type of semiconductor and the third, a different type. For example, a PNP transistor consists of 2 layers of P-type semiconductor and a layer of N-type semiconductor between them. We can also have the NPN type transistor which has 2 layers of N-type semiconductor and a layer of P-type semiconductor between them. The three terminals are respectively referred to as emitter, base and collector. Transistors are widely used electronic components that perform the function of a switch or an amplifier.
The semiconductor material used in transistors is generally silicon, germanium or gallium arsenide. Impurities are added to them in order to create electrically positive (P) or electrically negative (N) behavior. When these layers are joined together the contact potential creates a potential barrier across the PN or NP junction. This potential barrier maintains electrons on the N side and holes on the P side.
NPN stands for negative positive negative PNP stands for positive negative positive. GALLIUM ARSENIDE is only used on LEDS manufacturing not transistors
ANSWER: NPN negative positive negative SUBSTRATE PNP is opposite of NPN
silicon ang germanium there are two types of transistor \ 1. PNP 2. NPN silicon ang germanium there are two types of transistor \ 1. PNP 2. NPN
The two basic types of transistors are the NPN transistorand the PNP transistor. Certainly there are many other semiconductor devices, but these are arguably the two basic ones.
a thyristor can be considered as two complementary transistors , one pnp- transistor, and other npn transistor
BT169 is neither an NPN nor a PNP transistor. BT169 is a thyristor, otherwise known as a silicon controlled rectifier.
Basically the power supply is reversed. The NPN can be used for higher frequencies since electrons can move faster than holes.
The primary reason that NPN transistors are used more often than PNP transistors is that they usually operate faster (at higher frequencies) because the mobility of the current carriers in NPN transistors (electrons) is much higher than that of the current carriers in PNP transistors (holes).
Switching is faster in NPN transistor than PNP. Because movement of electrons is faster than holes.
No...TIP31 is NPN. The complementary PNP is a TIP32. They are both large high power (40W) devices.
Two, either in NPN or PNP transistors
no, the emitter base junction should be foward for both npn and pnp to act as amplifiers.
They are NPN and PNP. BJT mean bipolar junction transistors. there are two P-N junctions in BJT transisters.
NPN and PNP transistors function in essentially the same way. The power supply polarities are simply reversed for each type. The only major difference between the two types is that the NPN transistor has a higher frequency response than the PNP-because electron flow is faster than hole flow. Therefore high frequency applications will utilize NPN transistors.
No. The PNP and NPN transistors are exactly opposite each other in polarity. You cannot just replace one for the other without redesigning the circuit.
silicon ang germanium there are two types of transistor \ 1. PNP 2. NPN silicon ang germanium there are two types of transistor \ 1. PNP 2. NPN
There are many types of transistors, starting out with the typical Base-Collector-Emmitter type. There are two types, starting with the NPN type, The symbol for these is PNP There are also the FET or Field Effect Transistors and their symbols are below, as well as the PNP and NPN. The FET's are divided into the N channel and J channel types:
pnp answer
A BJT (bipolar junction transistor) is a general term that includes both NPN and PNP transistors. An NPN transistor has a layer of P-type semiconductor sandwiched between two N-type layers, allowing current to flow from the collector to the emitter when a small current is applied to the base.