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non-linear circuit

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Q: What circuit whose parameters change with voltage or current?
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What are the cause of induced emf?

A change in current causes a voltage to be induced into an inductive circuit, which opposes that change of current. This is because the change in current is accompanied by a change in magnetic flux which 'cuts' the conductors and induces a voltage into them.

How does the voltage applied to a circuit affect the current flowing through the wire?

Voltage is equal to the Current multiplied by the Resistance.Without changing the resistance, increasing the applied voltage in a circuit will increase current flow. There is a simple, direct relationship between voltage and current. Double the voltage, twice the current will flow. Triple the voltage, and the current will triple. As voltage (E) equals current (I) times resistance (R), when resistance is fixed, what happens to voltage will happen to current.

What is the phase angle between voltage and current in a purely capacitive circuit?

Current leads voltage (or voltage lags current) by 90° in a purely capacitive circuit. Try to remember it this way: capacitors resist change in voltage, hence the voltage lags (they resist voltage change because the voltage first goes to charging up the electric field in the capacitor).Inductors resist change in current (energy in an inductor is in the form of magnetic fields, which are caused by the current through the wire). Remember an inductor is a coil (like an electromagnet, or a transformer).

What happens to the voltage if the current increases?

Yes, if the resistance remains constant. Power is voltage times current, and current is voltage divided by resistance, so power is voltage squared divided by resistance. In essence, the power increases as the square of the voltage.

What is the relationship between the current leaving the source and the current through each load in a series circuit?

A: In a series circuit the current remains the same for each components only the voltage across each component will change and only if the components are of different value.

Related questions

How do you change the ratio of a current to voltage?

Change the resistance in the circuit

What cause the voltage t lead current in an ac circuit?

Voltage leads current or, more specifically current lags voltage, in an inductive circuit. This is because an inductor resists a change in current.

What will happen in a circuit if the voltage does not change but the resistance in the circuit increases?

If the resistance increases, while the voltage stays the same, current will decrease. Current = voltage divided by resistance

If voltage changes in a ac circuit what happens to current?

Voltage attempts to make a current flow, and current will flow if the circuit is complete. It is possible to have voltage without current, but current cannot flow without voltage. The answer is "yes",voltage remains the same as current moves through the circuit.As the voltage remains constant, current increases in the circuit.

How are current and voltage related to the power supplied by the source?

in ac circuits power,P=VICOS@ @ is the angle between voltage and current. in dc P=VI V is the voltage I is the current. Power (in Watts) is current (A) x voltage (V)

Normally a high current flows through a short circuit even if there is no change to the voltage. Why is this?

A high current flows through a short circuit even if there is no voltage change because the resistance across the short circuit is zero.

What is the relationship between voltage and current in an inductive circuit?

In an inductive circuit, the current lags behind the voltage due to the energy stored in the inductor's magnetic field. The voltage leads the current by 90 degrees in an ideal inductive circuit. The relationship between voltage and current is described by the equation V = L di/dt, where V is voltage, L is inductance, di is change in current, and dt is change in time.

Can you increase current in a circuit without change in resistance and voltage?

no it is not possibleAnswerYes, by changing the voltage OR the resistance.

What are linear and nonlinear circuits?

Linear (Straight) circuit: An electronic circuit where the info sinusoidal flood of recurrence f give a stead state yield. This circuit take after ohms law and the estimation of electronic parts doesn't change with the level of voltage of current in the circuit. Non-Linear (Non direct) circuit: The circuit in which the parameters change as for current and voltage. The parameter esteem like resistance, capacitance, inductance, waveform, recurrence and so on, is not consistent. This circuit doesn't take after ohms law and the v-i attributes are not a straight line.

How does voltage and current change in a circuit?

by changing the way the battery is positioned

What are the cause of induced emf?

A change in current causes a voltage to be induced into an inductive circuit, which opposes that change of current. This is because the change in current is accompanied by a change in magnetic flux which 'cuts' the conductors and induces a voltage into them.

If you double both the voltage and the resistance in a circuit what would be the effect on the current?

If you double the voltage in a circuit, the power is quadrupled, assuming the resistance stays the same.