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the heat formed in the core due to the "eddy currents" burns a transformer

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Q: What causes transformers to burn up?
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What the different between voltage generators and voltage transformers?

Generators generate and transformers step up or step down the voltage

What is the fuction of the step-up transformer?

Step-Up Transformers increase the primary voltage to a higher voltage, of same frequency.

What are the two types of transformers?

The two general categories of transformer, based on their construction, are (a) mutual transformers and (b) autotransformers.Mutual transformers have two coils, or 'windings', termed the primary (input side) and the secondary (output side), which are electrically isolated from each other, being linked with a magnetic field.Autotransformers have a single, shared, winding and so, do not provide isolation between the primary and secondary sides.Mutual transformers can be further classified, according to their function: e.g. power transformers, distribution transformers, isolation transformers, instrument transformers, matching transformers, etc.

How are step-up and step-down transformers used in the transmission of electric current from the electric company to homes?

(This is what my teacher said, I wrote this down in my notes) The answer is, Step-up transformers are used to increase the voltage of an electric current before it is sent out over transmission lines from the electric company. Step-down transformers are used to reduce the voltage of current from high-voltage transmission lines before it enters homes and businesses. Some devices, such as televisions, contain step-up transformers that increase the voltage once again.

What are the advantages of power transformers over voltage transformers?

Power transformers can be used for power transformation. Voltage transformers are not suitable for high power applications.

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What song by Nickelback is in transformers 2?

Burn it to the ground

What type of heat causes a burn?

The type of heat that causes a burn is gas!

What are the causes of failure of potential transformers?

Dirt, moisture and overheat

Will a bell ringing transformer operate on direct current?

No. Transformers always operate only on alternating current. They will burn up on direct current. That is, if the fuse does not blow first.

Do you light up fire workers on Diwali?

Fire works should not be burn. It causes pollution.

What coutry using step-up transformers?

All countries use step-up transformers -if that is what you are asking.

What are the two type of transfomer?

Step up transformers, and step down transformers

Will a high carb diet cause you to gain weight?

Eating more calories than you burn up causes you to gain weight. If you can burn up a high carb diet, you won't gain weight.

What are some important types of transformers?

There are Several types of transformers are there in that some are listed below. Instrument Transformers Step Up and Step Down Transformers Single Phase Transformers Power Transformers Distribution Transformers etc. For more visit transcon industries.

What causes a car to burn too much oil?

bad oil ring,time to freshen up the eng

Is transformers true?

Weather or not alein transformers are real I will leave up to you.. But scientisct are trying to make a car that can transform

Is they a transformers 4?

If by "Is there a Transformers 4" then I believe they've confirmed a Transformers 4... But we shouldn't get our hopes up. I really do hope there is a Transformers 4 though... But... we'll just have to wait and see