The major causes of loss of excitation on generators are due to an open circuit or a short circuit in the field winding. This may also be caused by a breakdown of the insulation system.
There is likely an internal short circuit in the fan motor.
No. A short circuit would be zero ohms.
An example of a kind of short circuit is an arc welding.
Voltage causes current to flow in an electric circuit.
-circuit damage -overheating -fire or explosion causes a short circuit.
A short circuit is what usually causes a switchboard explosion.
A circuit with very little (or no) resistance, that causes and unintended crossing of the circuit pathways.
Volt difference causes a short circuit! ChaCha
short circuit in the circuit
Circuit overload?Dead short to ground?
Overcharging (bad voltage regulator) or a short circuit inside the battery.
tuned circuit
The major causes of loss of excitation on generators are due to an open circuit or a short circuit in the field winding. This may also be caused by a breakdown of the insulation system.
A short circuit is a condition whereby a point or section of the circuit offer a short path for current to return to the power supply. It occurs when two or more points or sections of the circuit touches each others (but only and only if that results in drop in resistance to such an extent that it causes excessive current to flow through.
There is likely an internal short circuit in the fan motor.
Fuses blow because of a over-current (short circuit) or over-heat condition. Look for a short circuit in the tail light circuit. It is also possible that the terminals at the fuse block are corroded, causing heat, which might be causing the blowing out, but highest probability is a short circuit.